Table of Contents
Sara Tóth Martínez, Roland Mertelsmann, Gerhard Steinmann et al.,
Uniting Fields of Knowledge: The Role of Interdisciplinary Journals in Science
Stephan Seiler,
Editorial Volume 12, Issue 2
Juliana Valentina Marín López, Jorge Alberto Velásquez Castrillón et al.,
Estudio de caso: Ansiedad generalizada en paciente que padeció de negligencia infantil abordado desde la terapia de esquemas y la terapia cognitivo-conductual - Case Study: Generalized Anxiety in a Patient who Suffered from Child Neglect Approached from Schema Therapy and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
Jaciara F. F. Cavalcanti,
A Importância do Processo de Avaliação Psicológica para um Diagnóstico Assertivo de Transtorno Bipolar - The Importance of the Psychological Assessment Process for an Assertive Diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder
Neher Aseem Parimoo, Cinthya Souza Simas, Gerhard Steinmann et al.,
Spotlight on Science: Breakthroughs, Challenges and Insights
Nikolay Kulbaka ,
Origins of Russian Archaization and Strategies to Combat it
Cinthya Souza Simas,
Health, Disease, and Psycho-Oncology: a Multidimensional Perspective
Carolina Martín-Alameda Gómez,
From Neighborhood to Trendy Zone: Gentrification in Chueca at the End of the 20th Century. De Vecindario a Zona Trendy: La Gentrificación en Chueca a Finales del Siglo XX
Cinthya Souza Simas,
JOSHA’s Critical Review of “Within the Walls of the School: Reflections on the Inclusion of Individuals with Autism in Educational Settings” by Rosiana Silva da Silva et al.
Rosiana Silva da Silva, Rosângela Araújo Darwich et al.,
Within the Walls of the School: Reflections on the Inclusion of Individuals with Autism in Educational Settings - Entre as Paredes da Escola: Reflexões Sobre a Inclusão da Pessoa com Autismo nas Instituições de Ensino
Stephan Seiler,
Editorial Volume 12, Issue 1
Jonas Piduhn, Joachim Frank,
Memory and Archive – a Retrospective on a Career in Science
Gerhard G. Steinmann, Stephan Seiler, Christiane Lange,
Ordinary General Meeting 2024 of the International Academy of Sciences and Arts – Protokoll der Ordentlichen Hauptversammlung 2024 der Internationalen Akademie der Wissenschaften und Künste e.V. (IASHA)
Festus F. Ajayi, Femi Omotoso,
An Assessment of Revenue Rights and Fiscal Jurisdictions of Local Governments in Nigeria‘s Federation
Ana Clara Solon Rufino, Rosângela Araújo Darwich,
Contradictions of Necropolitics in Brazil During the Pandemic: Semiotic Study on Art and Photography - Contradições da Necropolítica no Brasil Durante a Pandemia: Estudo Semiótico Sobre Arte e Fotografia
Jonas Bermeitinger,
Smart Automation of Trial and Error to Beat Cancer Sooner
Cinthya Souza Simas, Erica Farias de Farias, Rosiana Silva da Silva,
A Literature Review of Alexithymia and the Mother-baby Bond - Alexitimia e Vínculo Mãe-Bebê: uma Revisão de Literatura
Robert Kaplan,
Assassins and their Victims: who Assassinates whom?
Chetan Patond, Ushma Patel, Soham Mukherjee,
Zoo Nutrition for Wild Herbivores: An Examination of Dietary Requirements
Marzieh Hesam Mohammadi,
Role of ZBTB18 Tumor Suppression in Glioblastoma Progression
Stephan Seiler,
Editorial Volume 11, Issue 6
Jessica Samantha Lira Da Costa,
All Too Human Violence: a Psychoanalytic Reading of Michael Haneke's Glaciation Trilogy - Violência demasiadamente humana: uma leitura psicanalítica da Trilogia da Frieza, de Michael Haneke
Joachim Frank,
Science, Arts and Humanities in a Changing World
María Fernanda Cadena Vizuete,
Automated Microfluidic System for Suspension Cell Culture Using Lab-on-Chip Devices
Márcio Bruno Barra Valente,
We, the Mourners of the Pandemic in Brazil: Relationships between Mourning and Politics Based on the Loss of Mothers or Fathers by Covid-19
Sara Tóth Martínez,
Fear of the Sea and the Feminine in Ancient Greece: the Case of Scylla
Valber Luiz Farias Sampaio ,
The Judicialization Process in Social Assistance: An Analysis of Open Socio-Educational Measures - O Processo de Judicialização na Assistência Social: Uma Análise das Medidas Socioeducativas em Meio Aberto
Jessica Samantha Lira Da Costa,
Femininity and Helplessness: a Psychoanalytic Reading of the Character Macabéa, from the Novel “A Hora da Estrela” - Feminilidade e Desamparo: uma leitura psicanalítica da personagem Macabéa, do romance “A Hora da Estrela”
Stephan Seiler,
Editorial Volume 11, Issue 5
Lenilda Souza Simas,
A Dor No Recém-Nascido Cardiopata Na Percepção Da Mãe Em Unidade Neonatal - Mother's Perception of Pain in Newborns with Heart Disease in a Neonatal Unit
Aspasia Marmaritsaki,
Dance through Traditional Rhythms: A Practice-as-Research Exploration of Colombian Rhythms Informing and Shaping Contemporary Dance
Usman Al-amin,
Chapter Seven - Challenges and Solutions of Quality Assurance in Colleges of Education in Nigeria
Alaide Vitória Cardoso Garcia,
Psychosomatics: A Reinterpretation through the Lens of the Person-centered Approach on Unelaborated Emotions That Become Symptoms
Jorge Alberto Velásquez Castrillón, Nicolás Estiven Muñoz Sosa et al.,
Cognitive-Behavioral Perspective and Schema Therapy in a Case Study on Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Ana Clara Solon Rufino, Rosângela Araújo Darwich,
Reflection on Nayara Jinknss's Perspective on Ver-o-Peso
Neher Aseem Parimoo, Roland Mertelsmann,
JOSHA’s Critical Review of “CAR T Cells – A New Horizon for Autoimmunity” by John D. Isaacs
Stephan Seiler,
Editorial Volume 11, Issue 4
Usman Al-amin,
Chapter Six - Major Problems of Colleges of Education in Nigeria and Possible Solutions
Lina Marcela Molina Ortiz, Silvia Cardona,
Intervention from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Schema Therapy in a Patient Who Presents Severe Anxious Symptoms and Devalued Self-schemas Since Childhood: A Single Case Study
Jacqueline Bersano,
The Dysregulation of the Secretome in the Tumor Microenvironment: A Potential Source for Biomarker Discovery and Personalized Cancer Treatment
Krunal Trivedi, Soham Mukherjee,
Understanding Reproductive Strategies: Courtship and Copulation Behaviours of the Asiatic Wild Dog (Cuon alpinus) in Captivity
Usman Al-amin,
Chapter Five - Administration of Colleges of Education in Nigeria: Problems and Solutions
Cledson Correa de Quadros, Luiz Fernando Corrêa Lobato,
Quality of Life at Work Programs and their Contribution to Employee Well-being: a Literature Review
Neher Aseem Parimoo, Cinthya Souza Simas, Ivan Acevedo Monterrosa et al.,
Reshaping the Academic Landscape: JOSHA’s Shared Vision with the Gates Foundation
Ivan Acevedo Monterrosa,
EU Blue Book Traineeship Report
Stephan Seiler,
Editorial Volume 11, Issue 3
Ana Caroline Colombo, Marcio L. Rodrigues,
Fungal Colonization of the Brain: Anatomopathological Aspects of Neurological Cryptococcosis
Ketki Kelkar Ramanan,
Verifying the Authenticity of Diagnostic Labs: Need of the Hour
Ana Clara Solon Rufino,
Desdobramentos do Ensino de Arte: um estudo de campo com adolescentes em situação de vulnerabilidade social - Effects of Art Teaching: a Field Study with Adolescents in Situations of Social Vulnerability
Maria Kalweit, Gabriel Kalweit,
Why We Need to Relearn How to Talk to Machines - A Snapshot of Generative AI in January 2024
Sara Tóth Martínez,
The Underlying Tension in Oscar Wilde’s “The Decay of Lying”
Stephan Seiler,
Editorial Volume 11, Issue 2
Gerhard G. Steinmann, Neher Aseem Parimoo,
JOSHA’s Critical Review of “Von der Guten Wissenschaft zum wissenschaftlichen Fehlverhalten” by Prof. Dr. Ulrich Rommelfanger
Gabriel Kalweit, Luis García Valiña, Ignacio Mastroleo, Anusha Klett et al.,
AI as an Always-available Oncologist: A Vision for AI-optimized Cancer Therapy Based on Real-time Adaptive Dosing at the Patient Level
Usman Al-amin,
Chapter Two - A Historical Overview of the Traditional System of Qur’anic Education in Borno
Alaide Vitória Cardoso Garcia, Maria Eduarda Rangel Vilela Pinheiro,
The Role of the Media in the Construction of Body Image and its Contribution to the Development of Restrictive Anorexia in Female Adolescents
Desirée D. Melo, Julia Queiroz,
Psychoeducation of Psychotherapeutic Practices in Gestalt-Therapy with Children: An Experience Report
Rebecca Berger,
Critical Review of “Ethics & Governance of Artificial Intelligence for Health” by the World Health Organization (WHO)
Cinthya Souza Simas,
Insights into Tomorrow: Psychology's Current Transformations
Cinthya Souza Simas,
JOSHA’s Critical Review of "Implications of the Social Dichotomy between Thinking and Acting on Teenage Pregnancy Rates” by Rosiana Silva da Silva, Rosângela Araújo Darwich
Rosiana Silva da Silva, Rosângela Araújo Darwich,
Implicações da Dicotomia Social Entre o Pensar e o Agir Sobre os Índices de Gravidez na Adolescência - Implications of the Social Dichotomy between Thinking and Acting on Teenage Pregnancy Rates
Stephan Seiler,
Editorial Volume 11, Issue 1
Cinthya Souza Simas,
JOSHA’s Critical Review of "Death and the Meaning of Life in Logotherapy and in “The Death of Ivan Ilych”: Psychological Analysis of a Literary Work”
Kalebe da Silva de Lima, Matheus Reichelt Flores, Rosângela Araújo Darwich,
Death and the Meaning of Life in Logotherapy and in “The Death of Ivan Ilych”: Psychological Analysis of a Literary Work
Rosângela Araújo Darwich,
Emotional Phenomena in the Interpretative Context of the Causal Mode of Selection by Consequences
Robert M. Kaplan,
Timothy McVeigh: Portrait of a Political Mass Murderer
Neher Aseem Parimoo, Roland Mertelsmann,
JOSHA’s Critical Review of “The Problem of ‘Trickle-down Science from the Global North to the Global South” by D. Reidpath and P. Allotey
Jorge Alberto Velásquez Castrillón, Yurany Valencia Posada,
Effect of Jeffrey Young's Schema-focused Therapy and Aaron Beck's Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in a Patient with Mixed Anxiety-depressive Disorder and Fibromyalgia (Analysis of a Case)
Cinthya Souza Simas,
JOSHA’s Critical Review of "Exploring Letters in The Kid: Stimulating the Formation of Reading and Writing Skills” by Ana Clara Solon Rufino, Rosângela Araújo Darwich
Ana Clara Solon Rufino, Rosângela Araújo Darwich,
Explorando Cartas na Turma do Chaves: Estímulo à Formação de Habilidades de Leitura e Escrita - Exploring Letters in The Kid: Stimulating the Formation of Reading and Writing Skills
Neher Aseem Parimoo, Ignacio Mastroleo, Roland Mertelsmann,
JOSHA’s Critical Review of “High Hopes for ‘Deep Medicine’? AI, Economics, and the Future of Care” by Robert Sparrow and Joshua Hatherley
Stephan Seiler,
Editorial Volume 10, Issue 5
Mike Omilusi,
More Troubled Democracies, More Determined Freedom Fighters: A Concerted Global Effort Toward Exposing Autocratic Regimes
Yeri Valentina Gómez Cardenas, Jorge Alberto Velásquez Castrillón,
Un Estudio de Caso en Terapia de Esquemas: Abordaje de las Dificultades en la Falta de Límites - A Case Study in Schema Therapy: Addressing Difficulties in the Lack of Boundaries
Sewanou Lanmadousselo, Vodogbey Comlan Charlemagne HOUNTON,
“Until grey hair appears on the hands and feet”- On the Significance of Human Body Parts in African Idiom, Using the Example of the Idioms of the Fon from Benin
Neher Aseem Parimoo, Ignacio Mastroleo, Roland Mertelsmann,
JOSHA's Critical Review of "PhD Training is no Longer Fit for the Purpose – it Needs Reform Now” by Nature
Avanti Mehta,
Taste, Terroir, and Beyond: Decoding the Complexities of Water, Sustainability, and Culinary Harmony.
José Barletta,
Cero Sero - Zero Will be
Pernille Bülow,
Personalized Treatments
Ezequiel Arrieta, Fernango Mordi Guerrieri, Haydeé Norma Pizarro,
Glifosanto - Glyphosanto
Neher Aseem Parimoo, Roland Mertelsmann,
JOSHA’s Critical Review of “Tracking Success in a Fertile Start-up Ecosystem” by Nature
Stephan Seiler,
Editorial Volume 10, Issue 4
Chiara Giardi,
Inscribing Expositions: Curatorial Strategies in Packing Practice into the Journal for Artistic Research
Suman Mallick,
Inhibition of Microbial Biofilm by the Crude Extracts of Marine Sponge, Stylissa masa
Neher Aseem Parimoo, Roland Mertelsmann,
JOSHA’s Critical Review of “Crypto Art: A New Era in Art vs. Adventure Challenges” by Taras Habrel
Maria Margarita Labastida Arzate,
Analysis of Extracellular Vesicles (EVs) Derived from CAR-T Cells
Pernille Bülow,
The Neuroscience of Grief
Neher Aseem Parimoo, Roland Mertelsmann,
JOSHA’s Critical Review of "India’s Scientific Diversity: Caste Barriers" by Ankur Paliwal
Enrique Ortega Forte,
Dame Alas - Give Me Wings
Naftali Feddes,
Modelling Spatial Scale and Heterogeneity in Rotterdam Housing Market Using Multiscale Geographically Weighted Regression
Pernille Bülow,
The Biology of Attachment Formation
Gerhard Steinmann, Neher Aseem Parimoo,
The Importance of Diversity in Knowledge Sharing: Why JOSHA is the Ideal Platform
Stephan Seiler,
Editorial Volume 10, Issue 3
Luis García Valiña,
Algorithmic Futures – Between the End of Work and the Desire for Recognition
Soham Mukherjee, Akanksha Mukherjee,
Care of Sulcata Tortoises (Centrochelys sulcata) in Captivity in India
Pernille Bülow,
Love Languages: the Science and Your Mental Health
Robert M. Kaplan,
Hybristophilia and Heaven: The Ballad of Gert and Joey
Pernille Bülow,
The Neuroscience of Attachment Styles
Stephan Seiler,
Editorial Volume 10 Issue 2
Ugo Rodolico,
Rhythm, Language, Theatre and Film - A Synaesthetic Proposal Ritmo, Linguaggio, Teatro e Cinema - Una proposta sinestetica
Soham Mukherjee, Akanksha Mukherjee,
Short Communication: The Importance of Modern Zoos and Animal Sanctuaries in Promoting Wildlife Conservation and Education
Anmol Anubhai,
Design Research for Healthcare
Neher Aseem Parimoo, Ignacio Mastroleo, Roland Mertelsmann,
“JOSHA’s Critical Review of ‘How to Regulate Evolving AI Health Algorithms’ by David W. Bates”
Nyla Ali Khan,
Our Relationship to Democracy
Soham Mukherjee,
Short Communication: Wildlife Roadkill Mitigation in India
Gabriel Kalweit, Maria Kalweit, Ignacio Mastroleo, Joschka Bödecker et al.,
Künstliche Intelligenz in der Krebstherapie - Artificial Intelligence in Cancer Therapy
Stephan Seiler,
Editorial Volume 10, Issue 1
Jörg Friedrich,
Das Regime des nackten Überlebens The Regime of Bare Survival
Soham Mukherjee,
Habitat Viability and Threat Assessment Survey of Indian Soft-Shell Turtle Nilssonia gangetica in Gomti Lake, Central Gujarat, India
Usman Al-amin,
The Tribal Marking Among the Kanuri People of Borno, Nigeria
Sonia S. López Rendón,
Online Background Verification in Selection Processes: Between the Public and the Private. Verificación de antecedentes en línea en los procesos de Selección: Entre lo público y lo privado.
Robert M. Kaplan,
Helen Flanders Dunbar: The Unfinished Pursuit of Unity
Pernille Bülow,
A Cry for Community
Stephan Seiler,
Editorial Volume 9, Issue 6
Robert M. Kaplan,
Joe Silver: Was he Jack the Ripper?
Pernille Bülow,
The Infamous SSRIs
Linus Akudolu,
Authentic Living in Existential Philosophy: A Hermeneutic Identification of Oscar Wilde’s Position
Pernille Bülow,
How the Environment Affects the Adolescent Brain
Stephan Seiler,
Editorial Volume 9, Issue 5
Utsavi Bhimani,
Pandemic, Mental Health and Digital Interventions
Pernille Bülow,
The Vulnerability and Strength of the Adolescent Brain
Michelle P. Peñaherrera, Carlos A. López,
Morbilidad y Mortalidad de Cirugía de Páncreas - Morbidity and Mortality from Pancreatic Surgery
Ranjan Nehru,
The Ultimate Hero; Zero Times Zero
Joachim Frank,
Speech by Joachim Frank
Pernille Bülow,
When Trauma is Passed on through Generations
Ángela Gissette Caro-Delgado, Magnolia Del Pilar Ballesteros Cabrera,
Suicide Prevention Inequities in Colombia: A Call to Action
Elena Greta Falcini,
Kunst und Künstliche Intelligenz – Art and Artificial Intelligence
Pernille Bülow,
Introducing Neuroscience Research in the Mental Health Space: The Past, Present and Future
Nadine Bleile,
Wendepunkt Mutterschaft - Turning Point Motherhood
Stephan Seiler,
Editorial Volume 9, Issue 4
Tanvi Singh , Nivedita Dalal, Gatha Namboothiri,
A Saga of Exclusionary Practices: Systemic Hindrances in Obtaining a Certificate of Legal Practice in India- Part III
Robert M. Kaplan,
Three Christs of Ypsilanti: The Unholy Trinity
Karl Jaspers,
Vom Europäischen Geist – Of the European Spirit
Shailaja Choksi,
Sifting Through the Grays of Morality Through Cinema
Stephan Seiler,
Editorial Volume 9, Issue 3
Tanvi Singh , Nivedita Dalal, Gatha Namboothiri,
A Saga of Exclusionary Practices: Systemic Hindrances in Obtaining a Certificate of Legal Practice in India- Part II
Luz L. Aguirre Vera, Miguel Ángel Alarcon Nivía, Sonia Osma Zambrano,
What is the Evidence between Tension-Free Tapes and Burch Surgery for Stress Urinary Incontinence in the Terms of Quality of Life?: A Systematic Review
Jordan Rydman,
The Climate Precariat: How Climate Change Exacerbates Marginalization through Labor Displacement of the Agricultural Sector
Gatha Namboothiri, Tanvi Singh , Nivedita Dalal,
A Saga of Exclusionary Practices: Systemic Hindrances in Obtaining a Certificate of Legal Practice in India
Kerstin Krieglstein,
Alternativlos Unter dem Hashtag #IchbinHanna wehren sich Forschende gegen das Befristen von Arbeitsstellen. Zu Recht?
Artur Lupashko,
Interview: Insight into the Hotel Real Estate Market in Ukraine
Mariano Casco,
The Unionism of Oaxacan Teachers against the Education Reform in Mexico (2012-2018). A case of Social Movement Unionism
Robert M. Kaplan,
The First Century of Ulysses
Stephan Seiler,
Editorial Volume 9, Issue 2
Tatiana T. Castañeda,
Tareas de control cognitivo Simon Task: revisión crítica - Cognitive Control Tasks Simon Task: Critical Review
Shoshana Zuboff,
You Are the Object of a Secret Extraction Operation
Johanna Patton,
The Together Project: Huay Pu Keng, Thailand
Miriam Tormin, Philipp Overkamp,
Staatliche Steuerungsmöglichkeiten zur Förderung des Teilens von Forschungsdaten - Government control options to promote the sharing of research data
Robert M. Kaplan,
Evelyn’s Waugh Pinfold Ordeal: Psychosis and Sleeping Tablets
Stephan Seiler,
Editorial Volume 9, Issue 1
Neher Aseem Parimoo,
„United We Stand with the People of the Ukraine"
Julieta Alcain, Nicolas Chiarante, Matías Zelaya,
La máquina de hacer pastillas - The pill-making machine
Robert M. Kaplan,
Das doppelgänger Freud A review of Freud’s Patients: A Book of Lives
Joachim-Friedrich Kapp,
Auszüge aus dem Buch „Der Mensch Jesus und der ungläubige Christ“ Excerpt of the book: „The Man Jesus and the Unbelieving Christian “.
Sewanou Lanmadousselo,
The Problem of the Authenticity of african Fairy Tales using the examples of the Fairy Tales of the Fon from Benin and the “Kinder- und Hausmärchen” of the Brothers Grimm
Ignacio Mastroleo,
Philosophy Research Program on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Oncology
Julieta Alcain,
Of Mice and Humans
Robert M. Kaplan,
Murder by Death: Renfield Syndrome
Stephan Seiler,
Editorial Volume 8, Issue 5
Bard Bajçinovci,
A Conceptual Approach for a Multifunctional Center in Prishtina
Gerhard Steinmann,
To Bordeaux – With Love. A Homage in Three Languages
Silvia Gonzalez, Yessica Milena Flórez Bautista, Monica Machado sanchez,
Neuroeducational Intervention in Children with Intellectual Disabilities - Intervención Neuroeducativa en Niños con Discapacidad Intelectual
Stephan Seiler,
Editorial Volume 8, Issue 4
Usman Al-amin,
Clitoridectomy among Shuwa Arabs of Borno, Nigeria
Johanna Patton,
The Together Project: Holi in Jodhpur, India
Carlos Andrés Prada Rogéliz,
A Proposed Methodological Framework for the Spatial and temporal Calibration of a Large River Basin Hydrological Model
Valentino Beorda,
Fotógrafo de estrellas - Star Photographer
Angela Gissette Caro Delgado,
Adherencia al Tratamiento y Razones para vivir en Pacientes con ECNT durante el COVID-19 - Treatment adherence and Reasons for Living in Patients with CNCD during COVID-19
Stephan Seiler,
Editorial Volume 8, Issue 3
Robert M. Kaplan,
The Shrink who Shrunk Himself: The Rise and Fall of Ronnie Laing
Bardha Meka, Vlora Navakazi, Flaka Xërxa Beqiri,
Assessment of primary Health Care Facilities in Kosovo using Space Syntax Analysis
Timoteo Marchini ,
Nubosidad variable - Partially cloudy
Tatiana T. Castañeda,
Señales Biológicas Cerebrales y Cognición - Biological Brain Signals and Cognition
George M. Weisz,
Once more on the Fate of Intellectuals in Nazi Camps
Vitalis Ugwu,
Defining Life in African Igbo Cosmology
Franziska Buttgereit,
Silke Masullo,
Editorial Volume 8, Issue 2
Linus Akudolu,
An Ethical Concern on Gender-Based Violence against Women and Girls in Africa during COVID-19 Lockdown
Flaka Xërxa Beqiri, Vlora Navakazi, Bardha Meka,
The Journey of Kosovo Modernism: A Process of Metamorphosis
Johanna Patton,
Varanasi - The Together Project
Donart Koci,
Palliative care for elderly People
Ezequiel Arrieta, Facundo Monaco,
Pucho vs. Vapo - Smoking vs. Vaping
Silke Masullo,
Editorial Volume 8, Issue 1
Jona Boeddinghaus,
Künstliche Intelligenz in der Krebsforschung und Biomedizin - Artificial Intelligence in Cancer Research and Biomedicine
Franziska Buttgereit,
Vitamin D Supplementation
Julieta Alcain,
De ratones y humanos - Of Mice and Humans
Roland Mertelsmann,
Artificial Intelligence and mathematical Models in Research and applied Oncology and Hematology
Johanna Patton,
The Together Project: Thabarwa Meditation Center
Silke Masullo,
Editorial Volume 7, Issue 6
Konrad Förstner, Peter Kraker, Gerhard Lauer, Claudia Müller-Birn et al.,
Auf einmal Laborratte - Suddenly a laboratory Rat
Joachim-Friedrich Kapp,
Menschenrechte, Institutionen des Staates. Die zukünftige Gesellschaftsordnung - Human Rights, Governmental Institutions, and the Future of Society.
Heiner Roetz,
Unter DEAlern - Amongst DEALers
Gayatri Sunkad,
The Empowerment of Women and Children in India
Joachim-Friedrich Kapp,
Die Deutsche Sprache im Zeitalter der Aufklärung - The German Language in the Age of Enlightenment
Pablo Adrián Gonzalez,
Aprender de hongos - Learn from Mushrooms
Franziska Buttgereit,
Breast Implant Illness (BII)
Blerim Lutolli,
The Complexity of the Venturi Contradiction
Joachim-Friedrich Kapp,
Ist Gott Schöpfer und Regierer, nur Schöpfer oder beides nicht? Was kann man überhaupt über ihn wissen? Is God Creator and Ruler, only Creator or none of both? What can one even know about him?
Olayide O. Oladeji,
External Actors and Democratization Process in Nigeria's Fourth Republic: The Case of the United States of America
Stephan Seiler,
Editorial Volume 7, Issue 5
Joachim Frank,
The Chrysalis Project
Felicitas Holzer,
Health Impact Fund
Luis Enrique Silva Vieira,
Charles Taylor: Una Aproximación a la Noción de Reconocimento e Identidad -Charles Taylor: An Approach to the Notion of Recognition and Identity
Helmut Haussmann,
Weltpolitikfähigkeit - The Ability of World Politics
Timoteo Marchini,
The Tell Tale Heart
Franziska Buttgereit,
Music & Medicine
Britta Ullrich,
black & white
Sebastián Vishnopolska,
An open book
Stephan Seiler,
Editorial Volume 7, Issue 4
Leah Biebert ,
"Sie sitzen daheim und denken sich Geschichten aus". The Representation of Authorship in Daniel Kehlmann's Literary Works
Christopher Winterhalder,
Sport in der Ganztagsschule - Sports in full day Schools
Franziska Buttgereit,
Poverty is the Mother of Health
Frank Wertheimer,
Nochmal: Rückforderung von Berufungs-Leistungsbezügen wegen vorzeitigem Wechsel der Hochschule - Once again: Reclaim of appellate benefits
Gerhard Steinmann, Silke Masullo,
JOSHA SCHOLARSHIP FUND to support young students, artists, scientists from all around the world
Eugen Carasevici,
Pandemic SARS CoV -2 - a Romanian perspective. The perception of a septuagenarian doctor
Gisela Pattarone,
Enfermedades Crónicas No Transmisibles en Argentina - Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases in Argentina
Bujar Q. Bajçinovci, Mimoza M. Dugolli,
COVID-19 Impacts on High Education: Virtual Learning Challenges on University of Prishtina
Chiara Giardi,
Mapmaking and Storytelling
María Fernanda Sandoval ,
Editorial Volume 7, Issue 3
Madelay Coromoto Escobar Uztariz ,
Exposición de la muerte como satisfacción anónima de algunos Hombres - Death as an anonymous Satisfaction of some Men
Bujar Q. Bajçinovci, Mejreme Bajçinovci,
COVID-19 in Kosovo: Point from an Urbanite
Juan Pablo Escobar Fernandez, Juan Pablo Escobar Fernandez,
ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЕ СРАВНЕНИЯ МЕЖДУ УЗКОЙ ШИРИНОЙ КОЛЕИ И СТАНДАРТОМ - Technical Comparisons between narrow Gauge and standard for electric Trains in Bogota
Luis Enrique Silva Vieira,
En Torno al Concepto de Bildung en Gadamer - On the concept of Bildung in Gadamer
Franziska Buttgereit,
Perfect Pitch
Timoteo Marchini ,
Corazón delator - The Tell-Tale Heart
Sebastián Vishnopolska,
A libro abierto - An open book
Miguel Hernández-Bronchud,
Alpha and Omega: from the Sagrada Familia to Placenta and Cancer
Sol Minoldo,
Indebted Meritocracy
Sol Rodriguez R., Angel Martinez T,
Marketing creativo como una forma efectiva de atraer clientes - Creative Marketing as an effective Way to attract Customers
Ana Belén Peñaherrera Pazmiño,
Desarrollo de Canales de Microfluidica - Development of microfluidic Channels
Angel Martinez T, Sol Rodriguez R.,
Parámetros e indicadores que determinan una agricultura eficiente - Parameters and Indicators that determine efficient Agriculture
Carmine Cataldo,
COVID–19 in Italia: una Percezione Amplificata del Rischio? [COVID-19 in Italy: an amplified risk perception?]
Sol Minoldo,
La meritocracia te la debo - Endebted Meritocracy
María Fernanda Sandoval,
Editorial Volume 7, Issue 2
Franziska Buttgereit,
Flatten the curve #stayhome Feelings of Isolation: Loneliness or Being Alone
Ezequiel Calvo Roitberg,
Gerhard G. Steinmann, Stephan Seiler, María Fernanda Sandoval et al.,
Demetrios Award 2020
Tatiana T. Castañeda,
Perfil Clinico de Pacientes con Trastornos de la Conducta Alimentaria - Clinical Profile of Patients with Eating Disorders
Ezequiel Calvo Roitberg,
Gisela Pattarone,
Automatic Breast Cancer Cell Classification using deep Convolutional neural Networks
Manfred Löwisch,
Paul Schempps Streit mit dem Oberkirchenrat
Sol Minoldo, Juan Cruz Balian,
La lengua degenerada
Ignacio Mastroleo, Felicitas Holzer, Roland Mertelsmann,
Research on genetic Databases: Duties of Rescue and equal Respect to all
Franziska Buttgereit,
Systemic Relevance - of Culture and Freelancers in Times of unpredictable global Events: The Corona Crisis
Guadalupe Nogués ,
Thinking with Others. A survival Guide in times of post-Truth - Of Words and Things, Chapter 1
Franziska Buttgereit,
Stage fright - blessing or curse?
Carmine Cataldo,
Jazz Arranging for Beginners – Part 2 [Tecniche di Arrangiamento Jazz per Principianti – Seconda Parte]
Carmine Cataldo,
Jazz Arranging for Beginners – Part 1 [Tecniche di Arrangiamento Jazz per Principianti – Prima Parte]
Femi Omotoso, Goke Kuti, Olayide O. Oladeji,
Assessment of the (Inter) Dependency of Economic Relations between Nigeria and China: 1999-2019
Bujar Q. Bajçinovci, Bard Bajçinovci, Uliks Bajçinovci,
Architectural Design Process: Consulting with Nature
María Fernanda Sandoval,
Editorial Volume 7, Issue 1
El Gato y la Caja Team,
El Gato y la Caja - The Cat in the Box: About Us
Silvia Juliana Barajas Rueda , Carlos Hernan Becerra ,
Correlation between ultrasound Diagnosis of Chorionicity with postpartum placental Histopathology and the Risk of adverse perinatal Outcomes in monochorionic twin Pregnancies
Astrid Paola A. Cuervo , Franco Garcia, Rocio Guarin,
The Effect of Cervical Cancer Surgical Management on Sexual Function in a northeastern colombian Hospital
Juan Carlos Otero Pinto, Sergio Andres Calvo Castro et al.,
Evaluation of the Determinants of Magnesemia in Patients with Preeclampsia with severe Features treated according to 2013 Task force Figo protocol
Harald A. Mieg,
A Two-Path Process Model of Invention: Conclusions from six years of Research with independent Inventors
Bujar Q. Bajçinovci,
Fridays for Future: Environmental Sustainable Architecture Collection of Research Papers
Mike Omilusi,
Freedom of Expression as Threat to National Security: Self-Determination, Radio Biafra and the Political Space in Nigeria
Hans-Liudger Dienel, Christoph Henseler,
Landkarten des Ungewissen als Werkzeug in der angewandten Zukunftsforschung
María Fernanda Sandoval,
Editorial Volume 6, Issue 11
Roland Mertelsmann, Gerhard G. Steinmann,
Five Years of sharing Knowledge: The Journal of Science, Humanities, and Arts - JOSHA
Lizdaribeth Josefina Torrealba Hernandez,
Mike Omilusi, Ajibola O. Peter Adu,
Between Popular Votes and the Electoral College: The Paradox of the American Electoral System
Bujar Q. Bajçinovci, Modest Gashi, Vlora Aliu, Bard Bajçinovci et al.,
Rivers in the name of Sources for the Renewable Energy
María Fernanda Sandoval,
The Freiburg Tenor Joshua Kohl, an innate talent from Pennsylvania
Jürgen Kanold,
Hochöfen der Seele – Furnaces of the Soul
María Fernanda Sandoval,
Editorial Volume 6, Issue 10
Dragoş Carasevici,
Erich Kästner in Romanian III.
Dragoş Carasevici,
Erich Kästner in Romanian II.
Dragoş Carasevici,
Erich Kästner in Romanian I.
María Fernanda Sandoval,
Editorial Volume 6, Issue 9
Julieta Alcain,
Reproducibility Crisis in the Sciences: The "Agitation"
Nicolas Woitzik, Roland Mertelsmann, Reinhard Marks,
Harnessing knowledge AND clinical experience to improve patient care employing an electronic system analyzing non-structured medical records: The “SimRec” Software
Bujar Q. Bajçinovci, Mejreme Bajçinovci,
Fridays for Future - Urban Urgency for Air Quality and E-Vehicles: A Case of Prishtina
María Fernanda Sandoval,
Editorial Volume 6, Issue 8
Horst Kress,
Erleben wir eine Renaissance des Lamarckismus? - Are we experiencing a renaissance of Lamarckism?
Stephan Seiler,
Editorial Volume 6, Issue 7. The second awarding of the Demetrios Prize and its participants.
Mike Omilusi,
The Psycho-Political Underpinnings of Presidential Speeches: President Buhari’s Three Selected Speeches to Countrymen
Zazie-Charlotte Pfeiffer,
Short Story: Die Hochzeit - The wedding
María Fernanda Sandoval ,
DEMETRIOS PRIZE 2019! La migración como tema en el cine latinoamericano - Migration as a theme in Latin American cinema. Border between Mexico and the United States.
Joaquín Emanuel Campodónico Gómez ,
DEMETRIOS PRIZE 2019! El pathos trágico en el joven Nietzsche - The tragic pathos in the young Nietzsche. Art and Life according to The Birth of Tragedy
Guido Selim Arditi ,
DEMETRIOS PRIZE 2019! El amor romántico desde una mirada marxista - Romantic love from a Marxist perspective
Federico Abal,
DEMETRIOS PRIZE 2019! Tortura: permisibilidad, mundo real y legislación - Torture: permissibility, real world and legislation
Stephan Seiler,
Editorial Volume 6, Issue 6: Appreciating Arts, Science, and Humanities around the Globe
Roland Mertelsmann, Gerhard G. Steinmann, Stephan Seiler,
Bright minds for a better world! Demetrios Prize 2019
Roland Mertelsmann, Gerhard G. Steinmann, Stephan Seiler,
DEMETRIOS PRIZE 2019. The Winners!
Lizdaribeth Torrealba,
The Natural and Cultural Heritage of Humanity - La Herencia Natural y Cultural de la Humanidad
Roland Mertelsmann, Alexandros Spyridonidis ,
The Principles of Cancer: A Metaphor of Life?
Yanina Y. Fontana,
Normative model of special relations. Moral justification of ancillary care obligations towards subjects participating in clinical research.
Mike Omilusi, Olumuyiwa Amao,
Between Military Resistance and Democratic Consolidation Epochs: Is Nigeria’s Civil Society Still Vibrant or Docile?
María Fernanda Sandoval,
Editorial Volume 6, Issue 5. We reached the 500k in Views!!!
Marie Brendle,
When science meets music : Ptérodactyle and Marie Brendle
Tobias Wertheimer,
Recent developments and future directions in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and cellular therapy.
Susanne Baer,
More Than Welcome: A Berlin Call for University Ethics
Bujar Q. Bajçinovci,
MULTIMEDIA STUDIOS. Architectural Design Principles.
Hannah Dittmers,
Autonomous Driving - Overview of the Current Legal Framework
María Fernanda Sandoval,
Editorial Volume 6, Issue 4
Haxhi Kamberi, Naim Jerliu, Vanesa Sefa, Genc Burazeri,
Depression, anxiety and socio-demographic factors among hospitalized patients in Gjakova region, Kosovo
Frank Wertheimer,
Rückforderung von BerufungsLeistungsbezügen bei vorzeitigem Hochschulwechsel – BayVGH, Urt. vom 18.08.2017, 3 BV 16.132
Angie Katherine Bello Suárez, Patrik Eliana Sarmiento Wilches et al.,
María Fernanda Sandoval, Zazie-Charlotte Pfeiffer,
"Time will tell" the kinetik art exhibition of Schmelzeisen - Schmelzeisen und seine kinetische Kunstausstellung in Kirchzarten
Zazie-Charlotte Pfeiffer,
Bruce Gottlieb,
Can a Selection-Centric, Strengths-Based Approach to Cancer Treatment Help Treat or Prevent Cancer and Metastatic Disease?
Bujar Q. Bajçinovci,
Biomimicry and Biophilic Design: Multiple Architectural Precepts
María Fernanda Sandoval,
Editorial Volume 6, Issue 2
Zazie-Charlotte Pfeiffer, María Fernanda Sandoval ,
Interviewing Rainer Schmelzeisen: The Power of Light as Kinetic Art - Die Kraft des Lichts als kinetische Kunst
Diego Armando Guzmán Abello, Cesar Augusto Abril Gaona,
DEMETRIOS PRIZE 2019! Functional outcomes of radial head fractures type III and IV, after management with arthroplasty or internal fixation.
Laura Faletti, Roland Mertelsmann, Katja Zirlik,
Unraveling the syndrome of the age-associated diseases: Cancer, Cardiovascular, and Neurological disorders. Common pathways and novel therapeutic strategies
Philipp Reichenbach,
Evaluation of GloWbE as a Tool for Big Data Corpus Linguistics
Lila Bujaldon de Esteves ,
History of the German philology in Argentina (Chapter 7 ) - GESCHICHTE DER ARGENTINISCHEN GERMANISTIK
Bujar Q. Bajçinovci, Vlora Aliu, Bard Bajçinovci, Uliks Bajçinovci,
Interactive Kinetic Architecture: Progressive Design Principles
Ugo Rodolico,
“If You Speak It, You Play It”
Malka M. Wadnipar, Juan Carlos Otero Pinto,
María Fernanda Sandoval,
Editorial Volume 6, Issue 1
Eva Senn,
Dai Kimoto & his Swing Kids
Vlora Navakazi, Bardha Meka, Flaka Xerxa,
Emergency Reconstruction of Primary Schools in post-conflict context: the case of Kosovo
Virginia Perez,
First-in-Human Research
Neda Moshirian,
The wise Gardener and the kind tree - in Farsi and German
Bujar Q. Bajçinovci, Mejreme Bajçinovci,
Anxiety and Urban Stress for Parking Spots
Bujar Q. Bajçinovci, Vlora Aliu, Rinë Dinarama,
Humongous Traffic Rhythm: Urbane Fulmination for Parking Spaces in Prishtina
Roland Mertelsmann,
Roland Mertelsmann,
Roland Mertelsmann,
Roland Mertelsmann,
María Fernanda Sandoval,
Editorial Volume 5, Issue 10
Felicitas Holzer, María Fernanda Sandoval,
Cruz-Diez: El surgimiento de una familia - Rise of a family.
Felicitas Holzer, Maria Fernanda Sandoval,
Cruz-Diez: Aufstieg einer Familie.
Bujar Q. Bajçinovci,
Design and Art Guidelines for Complex Structures
Carlos Andres C. Cortes Samaca, Hector Julio Melendez Florez et al.,
Vascular trauma and lactate clearance as predictor determining mortality. Case report.
Felicitas Holzer,
G20 2019 in Buenos Aires: Lügen haben kurze Beine – und warum uns das der G20 Gipfel lehrt. Eine Satire
Christian Ignatzi,
Prof. Dr. Dr. Rainer Schmelzeisen: Light art around the world Artists with many facets
Stephan Seiler,
Art - La mère de toutes les découvertes
Anusha Venkatraman,
Editorial of Volume 5, Issue 9
Zazie-Charlotte Pfeiffer, Stephan Seiler,
Art - The mother of all discoveries
Usman Al-amin,
Gender and Religion in Nigeria: The Role of Northern Nigerian Muslim Women in National Development.
Lila Bujaldon de Esteves ,
History of the German philology in Argentina (Chapter 6 ) - GESCHICHTE DER ARGENTINISCHEN GERMANISTIK
Lizdaribeth Josefina Torrealba Hernandez,
Artistic Dialectic between Tragedy and Misfortune in Oedipus the King
Karl-Reinhard Volz,
History and the Future of the Scientific Society Freiburg - Geschichte und Zukunft der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft Freiburg
Gerhard G. Steinmann, Roland Mertelsmann,
Knowledge That is Not Communicated is Wasted: JOSHA - Open Access With Author Copyright - Chinese Version: 没有被传播的知识被浪费:JOSHA - 与作者版权的开放访问
Gerhard G. Steinmann, Roland Mertelsmann,
Knowledge That is Not Communicated is Wasted: JOSHA - Open Access With Author Copyright - French Version: La connaissance qui n'est pas communiquée est gaspillée: JOSHA - Open Access With Author Copyright
Gerhard G. Steinmann, Roland Mertelsmann, María Fernanda Sandoval,
Knowledge That is Not Communicated is Wasted: JOSHA - Open Access With Author Copyright - Spanish Version: El conocimiento que no se comunica se desperdicia: JOSHA - Acceso abierto con derechos de autor.
Gerhard G. Steinmann, Roland Mertelsmann,
Knowledge That is Not Communicated is Wasted: JOSHA - Open Access With Author Copyright - German Version: Nicht kommuniziertes Wissen wird verschwendet: JOSHA - Open Access With Author Copyright
Gerhard G. Steinmann, Roland Mertelsmann,
Knowledge That is Not Communicated is Wasted: JOSHA - Open Access With Author Copyright
María Fernanda Sandoval,
JOSHA Editorial. Volume 5, Issue 8
Gunda Lusser-Mertelsmann,
Max Frisch - The problem of identity in his work from a psychoanalytical Point of view - Third Part
Peter Irabor, Paul A. Irabor,
Gender and Career Progression in the Public Sector: An Empirical Appraisal on the Osun State Civil Service, Nigeria
Gul E G. Zahra,
Altering Identities- from Europe to Asia: Demented Impression of war and colonization in “A God in Every Stone” and “The English Patient”
Rotimi Adeforiti,
Candidacy, political parties and representative government in Nigeria
Carmine Cataldo, Luigi Serra,
Computer-aided Harmonic Progression Analysis: CAT CaSe
Anusha Venkatraman,
JOSHA – Journal of Science Humanities and Arts Editorial Volume 5 Issue 7
Carmine Cataldo,
The Evolution of Harmonic Progression Analysis: Ultimate CAT
Nora Marie Leps,
Demetrios Preis 2018: "A comparison of the religiosity of Christian and Muslim youth in Germany"
Simon Osterkamp,
Demetrios Preis 2018: "Comparison of preclinical characterization methods of a radioactive pharmaceutical agent"
Elena Ricarda Fellner ,
Demetrios Preis 2018: "Activist, Politician, Intellectual - Zahrā Rahnavard and the Women's rights in Iran since the 20th Century"
Julia J. Kirszman,
Convulsive desires: Characters in the filmography of Jan Švankmajer in relation to the Freudian death drive
Gerhard G. Steinmann, Roland Mertelsmann,
Scientific Europe Turns Into a Fair Mode: Open Access Journals Reducing The Cost of Knowledge
Gerhard G. Steinmann, Christiane Lange, Roland Mertelsmann,
International Academy of Science, Humanities and Arts e. V. Annual Report 2017
Bujar Q. Bajçinovci,
María Fernanda Sandoval,
U2 BONO: Europe from an Idea To a Feeling - Von einem Gedanken zu einem Gefühl
Rotimi Adeforiti,
Mister - The Missing Republic and National Integration in Nigeria
Roland Mertelsmann, Gerhard G. Steinmann, Stephan Seiler, Felicitas Holzer,
DEMETRIOS - PRIZE 2018. The Winners.
María Fernanda Sandoval,
Editorial of Volume 5, Issue 6
Zazie-Charlotte Pfeiffer,
Short Story: "Genevieve"
Fabián Gustavo F. Díaz Rodriguez, Hector Julio Melendez Florez,
Felicitas Holzer, Roland Mertelsmann, Ignacio Mastroleo, Gerhard G. Steinmann,
JOSHA`s Critical Review of: “Systematic reanalysis of clinical exome data yields additional diagnoses: implications for providers”: IS THERE A NEED FOR “RECALL” IN CLINICAL MEDICINE?
Felicitas Holzer, Ignacio Mastroleo, Roland Mertelsmann,
Informing patients of relevant health information and innovations: patient recall or annual physical?
Bujar Q. Bajçinovci,
THE VERTICAL FARM – Part 2, Architectural Design Principles
Bujar Q. Bajçinovci, Vlora Aliu,
Usman Al-amin,
Nallê Art: Notes on Some Aspects of Henna Application among the Kanuri People of Borno
Philipp Reichenbach,
Motives of Security in The Walking Dead. Social Security Discourses in One of the Most Successful Series of Recent Times
Carmine Cataldo,
Breve Introduzione all’Improvvisazione Be-Bop [Short Introduction to Be-Bop Improvising]
María Fernanda Sandoval, Felicitas Holzer, Roland Mertelsmann,
Visiting the Atelier Carlos Cruz Diez, Paris. Un recorrido colorido por el Atelier Carlos Cruz Diez, Paris.
Ursin Lechmann,
JOSHA Demetrios Project. Rätoromanisch.
Lila Bujaldon de Esteves ,
History of the German philology in Argentina (chapter 5) - GESCHICHTE DER ARGENTINISCHEN GERMANISTIK
María Fernanda Sandoval,
Editorial Volume 5 Issue 5
Bujar Q. Bajçinovci,
Creativity of Interactive Academic Education for Sustainable Urban Development
Lizdaribeth Josefina Torrealba Hernandez,
Music and its influence on the art of writing poetry - La música y su influencia sobre el arte de poetizar
Bujar Q. Bajçinovci, Vlora Aliu,
Visual Organization of Industrial Functional Compositions
Elvida Pallaska, Vlora Navakazi, Bardha Meka,
New Urban Agenda – How far -by the spatial planning legislation in Kosovo and Albania?
Lila Bujaldon de Esteves ,
History of the German philology in Argentina (chapter 4) - GESCHICHTE DER ARGENTINISCHEN GERMANISTIK
Thomas Würtenberger,
Symbolism of freedom - El simbolismo de la libertad. Un medio de autorretrato nacional en Centro- y Suramérica.
Elvida Pallaska, Tore Haugen, Visar Hoxha, Luca Finocchiaro et al.,
Sustainability by improving energy efficiency in traditional housing in Kosovo
Roland Mertelsmann, Gerhard G. Steinmann,
JOSHA`s CRITICAL REVIEW OF „Pembrolizumab plus Chemotherapy in Metastatic Non–Small-Cell Lung Cancer”
Lila Bujaldon de Esteves ,
History of German Philology in Argentina (Chapter 3) - GESCHICHTE DER ARGENTINISCHEN GERMANISTIK
Astrid Schmidt, Israel Vega, Birke Ahlfeldt, Roland Mertelsmann et al.,
1st Freiburg,Germany - Mendoza, Argentina Symposium on Translational Medicine
María Fernanda Sandoval,
Editorial of Volume 5, Issue 4
Claudia Bozzaro,
A Phenomenology of Pain - Eine Phänomenologie des Schmerzes
Laura Carasevici,
A poem of Gustavo Adolfo Becquer: Rima IX
Roland Mertelsmann, Gerhard G. Steinmann,
JOSHA’S CRITICAL REVIEW OF “Efficacy of Larotrectinib in TRK Fusion– Positive Cancers in Adults and Children"
Roland Mertelsmann, Bärbel Schätzle, Christoph Borner,
El IMBS "Diploma of Advanced Studies" Escuela de Invierno en Ciencias Biomédicas Freiburg 2018-19. Fecha límite de aplicación: 31 de julio 2018
Bärbel Schätzle, Christoph Borner, Roland Mertelsmann,
Freiburg IMBS "Diploma of Advanced Studies" Winter School in Biomedical Sciences 2018-19 . Now Open for Registration
Christoph Borner, Roland Mertelsmann, Bärbel Schätzle,
Freiburg IMBS "Diploma of Advanced Studies" Winterschule Biomedizinische Wissenschaften 2018-19. Jetzt bewerben bis zum 31.7.2018
Ahmad Al Janadbah,
Phonological stress in the Arabic language: a computational study " pattern Af ‘al case study "
Roland Mertelsmann, Gerhard Steinmann,
Carmine Cataldo,
Extreme Chord Substitutions: a Qualitative Introduction to CAT (Cataldo Advanced Transformations)
Lila Bujaldon de Esteves ,
History of German Philology in Argentina (Chapter 2) - GESCHICHTE DER ARGENTINISCHEN GERMANISTIK
Bujar Q. Bajçinovci, Ilir Gjinolli , Rron Beqiri,
Measuring Vitality of the Ottoman Public Space in Kosovo Cities
Aura Milena Poveda Díaz, Héctor Julio Meléndez Flórez et al.,
María Fernanda Sandoval ,
Editorial of Volume 5, Issue 3
Roland Mertelsmann,
Bujar Q. Bajçinovci,
Research Centres and Laboratories – Part 2. Architectural Design Principles
Laura Viguera Fernandez, Pedro Charco Mora, Lucia Gallego Ligorit et al.,
The difficult airway: A safe extubation strategy.
Lila Bujaldon de Esteves ,
History of German Philology in Argentina (Chapter 1) - GESCHICHTE DER ARGENTINISCHEN GERMANISTIK
Pascale Jonczyk, Carola Christ,
Orchester with anima. A project with passion - Orchester con anima. Ein Musikprojekt mit Leidenschaft
Erich Schanze,
My memories - Meine Erinnerungen an Günter Hager 1986 - 2017
Carmine Cataldo, Sandro Deidda, Francesco D´Errico, Giulio Martino,
Definition and Usage of the Be-Bop Minor Scales (part 3): the Be-Bop Natural Minor Scale
Laura Carasevici,
Mihai Eminescu: The Lake - Lacul - El lago
Tamara Ferreiro,
Celebrating 10 years of IMBS
Carmine Cataldo, Sandro Deidda, Francesco D´Errico, Giulio Martino,
Definition and Usage of the Be-Bop Minor Scales (part 2): the Be-Bop Dorian Scale
María Fernanda Sandoval ,
Editorial of Volume 5, Issue 2
Ahmad Al - Janadabh,
The JOSHA Demetrios Project: - Arabic
Nataly Negrette, Jackeline Jaimes,
Carmine Cataldo, Sandro Deidda, Francesco D´Errico, Giulio Martino,
Definition and Usage of the Be-Bop Minor Scales (part 1): the Be-Bop Melodic Minor Scale
Linda Patricia L. Meléndez Pérez, Monica Andrea Beltran Avendaño,
Carmine Cataldo, Giulio Martino,
The Be-Bop Major Scale: Definition and Usage - La Scala Maggiore Be-Bop: Definizione ed Utilizzo
Stephan Seiler,
Two friends are conceptualising an opera in 1845 - Zwei Freundinnen entwerfen eine Opernhandlung.
Carmine Cataldo, Giulio Martino,
The Be-Bop Dominant Scale: Definition and Usage - La Scala Dominante Be-Bop: Definizione ed Utilizzo
Carlos Andres C. Cortes Samaca, Carla Andrea Puche Cogollo et al.,
Bujar Q. Bajçinovci, Violeta Nushi,
Building Rating System: Kosovar imperative in sustainable context
Stephan Seiler,
Licht aus dem Osten - Light from the East
María Fernanda Sandoval,
Editorial of Volume 5, Issue 1
Carmine Cataldo,
Music Algebra: from the Scale Vectors to the Modal Tensor - Algebra Musicale: dai Vettori Scala al Tensore Modale
Fosco Bugoni, Giovanni Corvino,
Imagined Enemies, Concrete Victims. The Speech of Léon Mugesera and the Rwandan Genocide of 1994
Carmine Cataldo,
Jazz and Harmonic Substitutions: Towards a New Formalism - Jazz e Sostituzioni Armoniche: Verso un Nuovo Formalismo
Maria-Fernanda Moreno , Wellman Ribón,
Search for synthetic and natural substances with in vitro bioactivity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Mitra Zarif-Kayvan,
Frau Kakerlake und Herr Maus
Jorge Alberto Velásquez Castrillón,
Psychology based on evidence and panic disorder; analysis of a case study
Mitra Zarif-Kayvan,
Rolling Pumpkin
Dandy George D. Dampson,
Ugo Rodolico,
If you speak it, you play it.
Yaneth Ortiz,
Editorial of Volume 4, Issue 6 (2017)
Horst Kress,
Somatic mutation or epigenetic modification - Somatische Mutation oder epigenetische Modifikation
Chiara Salabé,
Photography and the Visual Brain
Mitra Zarif-Kayvan,
Herr Frühling und Frau Winter
Maria-Fernanda Moreno , Wellman Ribón,
Search for synthetic and natural substances with in vitro bioactivity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Part I
Yaneth Ortiz,
Language Feature and New Sections in JOSHA
Detlef Liebs,
The Legal Proverb: Fiat iustitia et pereat mundus. Das Rechtssprichwort: Fiat iustitia et pereat mundus
Mitra Zarif-Kayvan,
Die Tochter des Kaufmanns
Giovanni Corvino, Claudia Bommino,
The lynching of blacks in the United States of America - Photographs as historical memories
Gunda Lusser-Mertelsmann,
Max Frisch – The Problem of Identity in his Work from a Psychoanalytical Point of View. Second Part.
Christoph Borner, Marta Mollerach, Cristina Arranz, Roland Mertelsmann,
Apply by December 15th for the NEW IMBS Double Master Program in Biomedical Sciences: MSc from the University of Buenos Aires and MSc from Freiburg University
Giorgi Gotsiridz,
The JOSHA Demetrios Project: - ქართული
Yaneth Ortiz,
Editorial and Table of Content Volume 4 Issue 5
Maruta Dörr,
The JOSHA Demetrios Project: - Latviešu
Bujar Q. Bajçinovci,
RESEARCH CENTRES AND LABORATORIES - Architectural Design Principles
Bujar Q. Bajçinovci,
THE VERTICAL FARM - Architectural Design Principles
Carmine Cataldo,
The JOSHA Demetrios Project: - Italiano
Maria Paula Gonzalez Galvis, Luis Alfonso Díaz-Martínez et al.,
Urinary Tract Infection As A Predictor Of Poor Prognosis In Pediatric Patients With Severe Febrile Neutropenia Related To Chemotherapy
Hana Andrlová,
The JOSHA Demetrios Project: - Slovensky
Bujar Q. Bajçinovci,
INDUSTRIAL COMPLEXES – Part 2 Planning and Design
Bujar Q. Bajçinovci,
INDUSTRIAL COMPLEXES – Part 1 Planning and Design
Nóra Javorniczky,
I am different. Am I different?
Yaneth Ortiz,
Yaneth Ortiz,
Editorial and Table of Content Volume 4 Issue 4
Wolfgang Newerla,
Welcome Wolfgang Newerla to the JOSHA editorial board
Virgil Ciocîltan,
The JOSHA Demetrios Project: - Română
Carmine Cataldo,
Il Linguaggio Be-Bop e gli Accordi di Settima di Quarta Specie [The Be-Bop Language and The Major Seventh Chords]
Carmine Cataldo,
Il Linguaggio Be-Bop e gli Accordi di Settima di Prima Specie [The Be-Bop Language and The Dominant Seventh Chords]
Carmine Cataldo,
Il Linguaggio Be-Bop e gli Accordi di Settima di Seconda Specie [The Be-Bop Language and The Minor Seventh Chords]
Neda Moshirian,
The wise Gardener and the kind tree - in Farsi and English
Philipp Reichenbach,
Perception Of Colors In Films - The Usage Of Colors In Sin City And Its Effects On Its Recipients
Anusha Venkatraman,
The JOSHA Demetrios Project:- தமிழ் (Tamil)
Anusha Venkatraman,
JOSHA Print on Demand Service
Bujar Q. Bajçinovci,
The JOSHA Demetrios Project: - Bosanski
Yaneth Ortiz,
Editorial and Table of Contents, Volume 4, Issue 3
Sarah Reichenbach,
The JOSHA Demetrios Project: - Português
Rebeka Javorniczky,
The JOSHA Demetrios Project: - Magyar
Valeria Shlyakhto,
The JOSHA Demetrios Project - русский
Walter Krämer,
No idea of risk: Expensive environmental and health panic. Keine Ahnung von Risiko: Teure Umwelt- und Gesundheitspanik.
The JOSHA Demetrios Project: - 普通話
Felicitas S. Holzer, Roland Mertelsmann,
The JOSHA Demetrios Project: - English
Gerhard G. Steinmann, Christiane Lange, Roland Mertelsmann,
International Academy of Sciences, Humanities and Arts e.V. - Annual Report 2016
Bujar Q. Bajçinovci,
HOTELS - DESIGN PRINCIPLES - in the Albanian Language
Yaneth Ortiz,
The JOSHA Demetrios Project: - Español- NOW WITH VIDEO
Soma Almasi,
The JOSHA Demetrios Project: - Farsi (Persian)
Bujar Q. Bajçinovci,
The JOSHA Demetrios Project: - Albanian
Felicitas Holzer, Roland Mertelsmann,
The JOSHA Demetrios Project: - Deutsch
Zazie-Charlotte Pfeiffer,
The JOSHA Demetrios Project – Francais
Stephanie H. Lim, Jeremiah de Leon,
Between the Lines: The Language and Art of Death
Bujar Q. Bajçinovci,
COMMERCIAL HYBRID BUILDINGS - Planning and Design - in the Albanian Language
Philipp Reichenbach,
Predictive Policing - The Algorithm Knows When And Where You Will Commit Your Crime - Critical View Of New Possibilities In Police Work Using The Example Precobs.
Bujar Q. Bajçinovci,
AIRPORTS - PLANNING AND DESIGN - In the Albanian Language
Bujar Q. Bajçinovci,
SUSTAINABLE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN - Principles - In the Albanian Language
Felicitas S. Holzer, Roland Mertelsmann,
The JOSHA Demetrios Project: Monographs and Papers in any Language
Gunda Lusser-Mertelsmann,
Max Frisch – The Problem of Identity in his Work from a Psychoanalytical Point of View - Max Frisch - Die Identitätsproblematik in seinem Werk aus psychoanalytischer Sicht
Anusha Venkatraman,
Editorial Volume 4 Issue 2
Hannah Dittmers,
The Applicability of the Alien Tort Statute to Human Rights Violations by Private Corporations
Mario Pagliaro,
Scientific cooperation between Italy and Israel: A perspective looking to the future
Hans-Joachim Behrendt,
The Law or: The affliction (Das Gesetz oder: Die Heimsuchung)
Arvind Venkat, Arnie Aldridge, Shannon Kearney, John Radack et al.,
Derivation of a Shortened Research Instrument for Measuring Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) Attitudes in a Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) Training Program
Usman Al-amin, Halima Baba Shehu , Fati Mohammed Ngaran ,
The Growth of Pharmaceutical Business in Borno State, Nigeria, 1976-1999
Usman Al-amin, Halima Baba Shehu , Fati Mohammed Ngaran ,
The Role of Community-Based Agricultural and Rural Development Programme in Poverty Reduction in Bursari Local Government Area of Yobe State, Nigeria: 2005-2009
Werner Schempp,
Individuality and integrity of humans in the modern age: Considerations of a natural scientist
Evguenia Alechine,
JOSHA Editorial Volume 4 Issue 1
Boris Paal, Uwe Blaurock, Florian Asche,
Professor Dr. Günter Hager in Memoriam
Roland Mertelsmann,
Günter Hager 1943-2017
K Evangelisches Studienwerk e.V. I ohner Straße 25 58239 Schwerte ,
Enough. Concerning me. - Summer School 2017 in Wittenberg
Fereshteh F. Ahmadi,
Ethnic Identity from a Macro-Sociological Perspective: Second-generation Iranian “immigrants”
Stephan Seiler,
"Missed encounters" by Gottfried Schramm
Bujar Q. Bajçinovci, Florina Jerliu,
Complexity of Iterative Model - Architectural Integrated Design as an Evolutive Transdisciplinary Strategy. Case Study: A City Without a River
Bard Bajçinovci, Kaltrina Thaçi, Bujar Q. Bajçinovci,
Architectural Reflection on Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities
Evguenia Alechine,
JOSHA Table of Contents - Volume 3 Issue 7
Ignacio Mastroleo,
Democratic reciprocity model: a justification of continued access to an investigational medicine in clinical research
Bujar Q. Bajçinovci,
Challenges of Architectural Design in relation to Environment and Air Pollution. A Case study: Prishtina’s first public parking garage
Jenny Groten, Maximilian Georg, Oliver Worm, Christoph Borner et al.,
Towards Simulating Carcinogenesis: Modeling and Simulating Carcinogenesis, Hematopoietic Tissue Homeostasis and Leukemogenesis
Jenny Groten, Christoph Borner, Roland Mertelsmann,
Understanding and Controlling Cancer: The Hallmark Concept Revisited – Chance, Evolution and Entropy
Evguenia Alechine,
Special Issue: Symposium “Science, Ethics and Arts”
Christof von Kalle,
Understanding Cancer by Whole Genome Studies
Christoph Borner,
The Scientific, Social and Ethical Aspects of Prolonging Human Life
Roland Mertelsmann,
The 1971 War on Cancer Revisited
Philippe Merz,
Bioethics and Philosophical Argumentation
Guenter Hager,
Conservation of biodiversity – ecology against economy
Stephan Seiler,
Arts at the Symposium "Science, Ethics and Arts"
Felicitas Holzer,
The Social Value of Knowledge in Medical Research
Ignacio Mastroleo,
Ethics of clinical innovation. Now with video by J. Sugarman
Evguenia Alechine,
JOSHA Table of Contents - Volume 3 Issue 5
Stephan Seiler,
Exhibition at the Symposium "Science, Ethics and Arts"
Christoph Borner, Cristina Arranz,
III International Congress on Translational Medicine - Buenos Aires, Argentina, Nov 21-22, 2016
Bujar Q. Bajçinovci,
Hybrid Structures as a Symbiotic Bond of Art and Science
Jasmine Fernandez, Amarjeet Nayak,
‘Structure, Image and Ideas at play’: A revisitation into the select Medical thrillers from a Grotesque lens
Evguenia Alechine,
Past, Present and Future of a Successful International Collaboration: An Interview with Prof. Dr. Marta Mollerach
Bujar Q. Bajçinovci, Kaltrina Thaçi,
Heritage and Artistic Boon: Valuing Prizren Castle
Evguenia Alechine,
JOSHA Table of Contents - Volume 3 Issue 4
Felicitas S. Holzer, Stephan Seiler,
NOW WITH VIDEO: Die Freiburger Opernsängerin Kim-Lillian Strebel wird von der International Academy of Science, Humanities and Arts gefördert.
Philippe Merz, Frank Obergfell,
Europa erneuern – Interview mit Markus Kerber
Evguenia Alechine, Werner Schempp, Daniel Corach,
Characterization of the AZF region of the Y chromosome in Native American haplogroup Q
Felicitas S. Holzer, Roland Mertelsmann, Christoph Borner,
IMBS Workshop “Science, Ethics and Society” open for registration!
Felicitas S. Holzer, Roland Mertelsmann, Christoph Borner,
IMBS Symposium "Science, Ethics and Arts" open for registration!
Silvia Camporesi, Matteo Mameli,
Trading participation for access to health-care: A morally relevant feature of participation in clinical research
Evguenia Alechine,
JOSHA - Table of Contents Volume 3 Issue 3
Mariella Franker,
Assembly and disassembly of Rad51 filaments on single-stranded DNA: A novel assay to study the dynamics of protein-ssDNA interactions at the single-molecule level
Mariella Franker,
Homologous recombination: Single-molecule experiments and their lessons for the in vivo situation
Caroline Wellbery,
Deep art-science collaborations: the mother of invention
Dieter Schmidt, Andrzej Grzybowski,
Wiktor Feliks Szokalski, The Father of Ophthalmology in Poland
Pulak P. Kumar, Pratishtha Singh,
Bioinformatic Studies on Buffalo Prolactin Derived Anti-Angiogenic Peptide
Manuela Lenzen, Michael Röckner,
Die Zähmung des Zufalls (The Taming of Chance)
Amala Berges, Dagmar Faller-Cybulla, Karin Lotzwi,
Elegant, airy, perfectly balanced color drawings
Evguenia Alechine,
JOSHA Table of Contents - Volume 3 Issue 2
Guenter Hager, Sanford E. Gaines,
Laudato si' Encyclica of Pope Francis: Legal aspects from the German and USA perspective - Aspekte des deutschen und US-amerikanischen Rechts
Dieter Schmidt, Andrzej Grzybowski,
The innovative surgical and the conservative treatments of ocular diseases by Victor Boleslaw Wicherkiewicz (1847-1915)*
Amala Berges,
Anja Vollmer: Transparente, multiperspektivische Räume
Christoph Borner,
IMBS Winter School, Freiburg September 2016 - January 2017
Evguenia Alechine, Christoph Borner, Marta Mollerach, Cristina Arranz et al.,
IMBS Class 2017-19 Application Now Open
Thomas Pradeu , Lucie Laplane,
International Conference PHILOSOPHY AND CANCER (IHPST Paris) April 28,2016
Felicitas Holzer,
International Patent Regimes and Access to Medicines: Is the Health Impact Fund an Effective Solution?
Stephan Seiler,
frauenkomponiert am 8. März 2016 in der Martinskirche Basel
Felicitas Holzer,
JOSHA - Table of Contents Volume 3 Issue 1
Roberta R. Janosi,
Interview with STUDIO OINK
Fanny Brun,
Fleurs et musiques de Bretagne
Roland Mertelsmann, Maximilian Georg,
Cancer: Modeling evolution and natural selection, the „Mitosis Game“
Ruben Villaverde,
Brief history of the German-Argentine Academic and Scientific Cooperation and the Future of Science
Ruben Villaverde,
La Medicina Del Futuro
Arthur Hue-Yeung Au,
Gerhard G. Steinmann,
JOSHA - Table of Contents Volume 2 Issue 7
Kurt Wüthrich,
The NMR View of Proteins
Ludwig Köhler,
Albane Roux,
La peinture nitescente
Walter Eberhardt,
Martin Schonhardt,
Warum guckt der so wie er guckt?
Ignacio Mastroleo,
Post-Trial Obligations in the Declaration of Helsinki 2013, 1st Revision
Roland Mertelsmann,
JOSHA - Table of Contents Volume 2 Issue 6
Verena Felicitas Wahl,
Der Einfluss von Kommunikation auf herausfordernde Verhaltensweisen bei geistiger Behinderung
Jürgen Meyer-Isenmann,
Industriegeschichte im Bild
Dörte Oppermann,
Dahinter - Traumbilder und Traumtexte
Gerhard Nehmiz,
The Bayes Approach in Medical Statistics
Christoph Borner,
The Scientific, Social and Ethical Aspects of Prolonging Human Life
Felicitas Holzer,
Informed Consent in Genomic Research: The Iterative Feedback Model
Ignacio Mastroleo,
Post-Trial Obligations in the Declaration of Helsinki 2013
Stefan Fröhling,
Genome Sequencing in Cancer Research and Therapy
Roland Mertelsmann,
Science, Ethics and Society: Introduction
Christoph Borner, Cristina Arranz,
International Congress of Translational Medicine- Announcement: Buenos Aires, Argentina, Nov 24-25, 2015
Christoph Borner, Cristina Arranz,
IMBS Class 2016-18: Inscription Open
Felicitas Holzer, Roland Mertelsmann,
JOSHA - Table of Contents Volume 2 Issue 5
Ignacio Mastroleo,
La obligación de continuidad de tratamiento beneficioso hacia los sujetos de investigación
Felicitas Holzer,
Research Ethics in Epidemics and Public Health Emergencies
Manfred Weiss,
Minimum Labour Standards in a Globalized Economy
Gerhard G. Steinmann,
JOSHA - Table of Contents Volume 2 Issue 4
Gerhard G. Steinmann,
JOSHA – A World of Reading
Felicitas Holzer,
IMBS Summer School Workshop Bioethics
Felicitas Holzer,
Symposium "Science, Ethics and Society"
Felicitas Holzer,
The iterative informed consent model for the feedback of incidental findings in human health research using WGS procedures
Frank Wertheimer,
„Rolle rückwärts“ – Zur Rücknahme des Rufs in einem Berufungsverfahren
Manfred Kranz,
Digital Acrylics
Felicitas Holzer,
JOSHA - Table of Contents Volume 2 Issue 3
Claudia Neubauer,
Verena Wölker,
Growth hormone (GH) modulation of Epidermal growth factor (EGF) signalling in human mammary epithelial cells
Rudolf-Werner Dreier,
AMERICA COMES FROM FREIBURG: Cartographer Waldseemüller from Freiburg was the first to show the New World as a Continent in 1507 and named it AMERICA
Carlos González Correa,
International Cooperation and Mentoring: An Academic Obligation? University of Concepción - CHILE
Cristina Arranz,
International Cooperation and Mentoring: An Academic Obligation? The Latin American Perspective: Argentina
Marta Mollerach,
Current trends in Community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Argentina
Roland Mertelsmann,
JOSHA - Table of Contents Volume 2 Issue 2
Marianna Musella,
Der jüdische Philosoph Spinoza und seine Beziehung zum Judentum
Stephan Seiler,
Provinzialrömische Kunst in Gallien und Germanien
Federico Vasen,
International Cooperation and Mentoring: An Academic Obligation? Current Trends in the Internationalization of Higher Education
Daniel Turyn,
Growth hormone administration patterns differently regulate epidermal growth factor signaling
Walter Eberhardt,
Auf der Suche nach Ästhetik und Harmonie
Harald zur Hausen,
Episomal-Persistent DNA in Cancer and Chronic Diseases
Roland Mertelsmann,
Cancer: A Story of Stem Cells and Evolution
Gerhard G. Steinmann,
JOSHA - Table of Contents Volume 2 Issue 1
Gerhard G. Steinmann,
JOSHA – The Second Issue
Roland Mertelsmann,
A new Journal - JOSHA
Roland Mertelsmann,
Table of Contents for the first issue 1/2014 of the “Journal of Science, Humanities and Arts – JOSHA”
Giulia Musella,
Die Geschichte meiner Bilder
Felicitas Holzer,
Vereinbarkeit personaler Identität und philosophischer Unsterblichkeit