A Importância do Processo de Avaliação Psicológica para um Diagnóstico Assertivo de Transtorno Bipolar - The Importance of the Psychological Assessment Process for an Assertive Diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder
Jaciara F. F. Cavalcanti
Affiliation: São Miguel University Center, Recife, Brazil
Keywords: Psychological Assessment, Psychological Tests, Bipolar Disorder.
Categories: Medicine
DOI: 10.17160/josha.12.1.1031
Languages: Portuguese
The theme of this study is the importance of the psychological assessment process for an assertive diagnosis of bipolar disorder, understanding the psychological assessment process as an instrument for a more assertive diagnosis of bipolar disorder psychological assessment as a procedural activity that requires the use of various tools in order to achieve a certain objective. According to Dalgalarrondo (2019), the main characteristics of bipolar disorder are mood swings, with the alternation between euphoric peaks (mania) and melancholic peaks (depression) being more evident and more prevalent, so that the affected patient experiences this polarity in short periods of time. In view of the issues presented, it is important to understand that Psychological Assessment will be an important action in order to make a more accurate diagnosis for Bipolar Disorder, since Psychological Assessment also aims to achieve a goal and offer direction. In view of the issues presented, it is important to understand that Psychological Assessment will be an important action in order to make a more accurate diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder, since Psychological Assessment also aims to achieve a goal and offer guidance.Therefore, the central research question of this study is the importance of the psychological assessment process for an assertive diagnosis of bipolar disorder. This study consists of an integrative review of the literature of a qualitative nature, seeking to analyze studies that address the process of psychological assessment for the assertive diagnosis of bipolar disorder. To this end, this research focuses on collecting scientific articles indexed free of charge and complete in online databases such as CAPES journals, PubMed, BVS. Therefore, the central question of this research is the importance of the Psychological Assessment process for an assertive diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder, thus seeking to contribute in a significant and scientific way to a more purposeful approach to the treatment of patients diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder so that they can access more appropriate therapies according to the specificity of each subject.