Editorial Volume 8, Issue 5
Stephan Seiler
Affiliation: IASHA, Josha Journal, Freiburg, Germany
Keywords: Editorial, JOSHA Journal, 2022 Volume 8, Issue 5
Categories: News and Views
DOI: 10.17160/josha.9.1.797
Languages: English
The past year was again strongly influenced by the pandemic. But while events with attendance had to be cancelled again to a large extent, we were able to continue the digital work on our journal. In addition to Covid-19, other topics dominate the current discussion in society, business and politics. These topics also find their way into the journal, for example, an article by Astrid Heinl is about more women in leadership positions. For those who want to leave the troubles of the pandemic behind and wander a little further afield, there is the opportunity to read the tribute to Bordeaux. It comes from the president of the International Academy of Sciences, Humanities and Arts Gerhard Steinmann. Now we hope you enjoy reading the journal. We have just started our 9th Volume and are full of energy and positivity for the upcoming year. The whole Journal-Team wishes you a Happy New Year 2022!