Arbeitszeiterfassungspflicht an privaten Hochschulen – auch für Professorinnen und Professoren? - Mandatory recording of working hours at private universities - also for professors?

Frank Wertheimer

Affiliation: Krauss Law, Lahr, Germany

Keywords: Federal Labour Court, Working Hours, Private and State Universities

Categories: News and Views

DOI: 10.17160/josha.10.5.919

Languages: German

In September 2022, the Federal Labour Court ruled that employers are obliged to introduce a system that records the start and end of their employees' daily working hours. Since, according to corresponding regulations in the higher education or civil service laws of the federal states, the working time law does not apply to university teachers at state universities, the question arises as to which regulations apply to university teachers at private universities. The following article is dedicated to this problem and deals with a draft bill of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs on the revision of the Working Hours Act of March 2023. The paper was previously published in Ordnung der Wissenschaft Issue 03, Volume 2023 (

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