Femininity and Helplessness: a Psychoanalytic Reading of the Character Macabéa, from the Novel “A Hora da Estrela” - Feminilidade e Desamparo: uma leitura psicanalítica da personagem Macabéa, do romance “A Hora da Estrela”
Jessica Samantha Lira Da Costa
Affiliation: Federal University of Pará, Belém, Brazil
Keywords: Psychoanalysis, Literature, Feminity, Helplessness, Macabéa
Categories: Demetrios Project, Humanities, Social Sciences and Law
DOI: 10.17160/josha.11.5.1005
Languages: Portuguese
The current work covers the notion of feminity and helplessness from the perspective of the last romance written by Clarice Lispector, entitled “A Hora da Estrela”. The adopted methodology in this current work consists of a bibliographic reference, in which the the freudian theoretical referential was privileged. The aim of this work can be divided into three main aspects: The first one is addressed to the romantic itself, as well as the peculiar lispectorian literature, showing how important both aspects are, and how they can produce their own and peculiar articulations with the psychoanalytic theory; The second aspect focus on how the construction of the notion of feminity will occur in the freudian theory, therefore enabling a better understanding of the reason why using such theory to understand the use of a literary character; and the third aspect consists of provoking approaches among the helplessness notions, poetic art and the tragedy within the psychoanalysis theory and in the clarician text here mentioned. We can conclude that feminity and helplessness are the maximum expression of the human poverty and there are different ways of dealing with such dazzling truth, and it can happen even through the poetic art. Even if the signs left by this truth, which are constructed by the tragedy and conflict, are excessively strict, the psychoanalyses and art offer us basis to face such signs.
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Thank you so much, Josha!