Editorial Volume 11, Issue 4

Stephan Seiler

Affiliation: IASHA / JOSHA Journal, Freiburg, Germany

Keywords: Editorial, JOSHA, 2024, Volume 11, Issue 4

Categories: News and Views

DOI: 10.17160/josha.11.4.997

Languages: English

Dear josha-journal readers, In this editorial, I would particularly like to recommend an article by Josha's editors, in which they emphasize the many opportunities the journal offers to publish qualified articles free of charge. This is especially true for global collaboration and knowledge sharing. The journal's mission is aligned with that of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Just as the Gates Foundation seeks to expand access to important research and its impact, JOSHA strives to make knowledge accessible to all, to foster collaboration, and to advance research for the benefit of society. In this context, the current issue of the journal features three articles by Usman Al-Amin, who takes an in-depth look at education in Nigeria, identifying problems and solutions. The other articles, ranging from cancer research to the treatment of anxiety disorders, are also highly recommended! Enjoy the read!

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