Dance through Traditional Rhythms: A Practice-as-Research Exploration of Colombian Rhythms Informing and Shaping Contemporary Dance

Aspasia Marmaritsaki

Affiliation: Department of Dance Studies, School of Performing Arts, University of Malta

Keywords: Demetrios 2024, Choreographic Creativity, Colombian Traditional Rhythms, Dance, Interdisciplinary Collaboration, New Movement Vocabulary

Categories: Demetrios Project, Performing Arts, Music

DOI: 10.17160/josha.11.4.996

Languages: English

This research employs a practice-as-research methodology to investigate ways to expand choreographic creativity through ‘Colombian traditional rhythms’ in dance improvisation practice. Drawing inspiration from Vida Midgelow’s approach (2020), the study adopts a reflective and reflexive method, emphasizing interdisciplinary collaboration and contextual awareness. The primary research inquiry focuses on uncovering new movement vocabulary and dynamics by enriching responses to rhythmic patterns. For this research, the rhythms that are being explored are Cumbia, Bullerengue, and Mapale. Furthermore, the researchers involved in the process delve into deconstruction, dialogue generation, and improvisation, culminating in the development of groove, creativity, and liberation. The analysis highlights the effectiveness of structured tasks in fostering collaboration, enjoyment, and the emergence of new movement vocabulary. Ultimately, the research seeks to evoke a profound sense of connection to rhythm, fostering authentic movement and inner peace.

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