
351 166
Published in Volume 11, Issue 5 -

Fear of the Sea and the Feminine in Ancient Greece: the Case of Scylla

Sara Tóth Martínez

Languages: Spanish, Castilian

DOI: 10.17160/josha.11.5.1009

This work aims to study the evolution of the figure of Scylla in both literary and iconographic sources, from the Archaic period to the Hellenistic period. The conceptualisation of the monstrous figure as a manifestation of various social anxieties opens a space to observe the different changes in the mentality of ancient society through the bodily transformations of the monster. In this way, Scylla will be studied in a maritime context, reflecting on the dangers of navigation and the fear of death at sea. Later, a gender perspective will be applied, and her figure will be analysed within a patriarchal society, where as a female monstrous figure, she reflects the fears related to questioning gender roles. In both cases, a deep concern and fear regarding the individual’s relationship with the world and the role they play in society is revealed. This way, the figure of Scylla reveals one of humanity’s most intimate and transcendental concerns.

705 597
Published in Volume 11, Issue 3 -

Intervention from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Schema Therapy in a Patient Who Presents Severe Anxious Symptoms and Devalued Self-schemas Since Childhood: A Single Case Study

Lina Marcela Molina Ortiz, Silvia Cardona

Languages: Spanish, Castilian

DOI: 10.17160/josha.11.3.994

This case study aims to show the therapeutic process of a 36-year-old female patient, with anxiety problems and others related to frightening personal experiences in childhood, showing the effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Schema Therapy in the intervention. Twenty-five sessions were carried out in the psychological office of a university institution in Medellín. For the evaluation process, a semi-structured interview, thoughts register, descending arrow, life-line, various diagnostic tests were used; after collecting reports and data, an intervention plan was developed to achieve the therapeutic objectives, based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Schema Therapy, showing positive results that helped to minimize the initial discomfort of the patient.

597 365
Published in Volume 11, Issue 4 -

Cognitive-Behavioral Perspective and Schema Therapy in a Case Study on Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Jorge Alberto Velásquez Castrillón, Nicolás Estiven Muñoz Sosa et al.

Languages: Spanish, Castilian

DOI: 10.17160/josha.11.4.993

This article presents a theoretical and practical intervention aimed at demonstrating the intervention process from Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, through a clinical case study of a 36-year-old patient whose reason for consultation was suffering a panic attack, because of her Generalized Anxiety Disorder. In the development of the evaluative process, a variety of tools were used, including semi-structured interviews, the IDARE questionnaire, the YSQ, and therapeutic activities. A treatment plan was designed, which focused on a group of techniques and tasks that allowed to show that cognitive-behavioral therapy was effective in reducing the patient's initial distress as the initial symptoms decreased, confidence increased, and more adaptive coping strategies were acquired, improving her interpersonal relationships.

1085 1110
Published in Volume 10, Issue 6 -

Effect of Jeffrey Young's Schema-focused Therapy and Aaron Beck's Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in a Patient with Mixed Anxiety-depressive Disorder and Fibromyalgia (Analysis of a Case)

Jorge Alberto Velásquez Castrillón, Yurany Valencia Posada

Languages: Spanish, Castilian

DOI: 10.17160/josha.10.6.938

This study aims to show the effect of applying ST Jeffrey Young, and CBT in a case with a patient with MAAD and fibromyalgia. The evaluation phase was performed through a free clinical interview during 4 sessions, during which the Beck anxiety inventory, the Beck depression inventory, the pain scale, and the YSQ.L2 were applied. The intervention phases were carried out during 10 sessions lasting one hour each. During the intervention, cognitive techniques such as cognitive restructuring, Socratic dialogue and self-registration, behavioural, experiential and emotional techniques were applied (Beck, 1960). At the end of the process, the same tests previously mentioned were applied, evidencing significant effects by decreasing scores of ill adaptive schemes, anxiety symptoms, and depression.

1127 1055
Published in Volume 10, Issue 5 -

Un Estudio de Caso en Terapia de Esquemas: Abordaje de las Dificultades en la Falta de Límites - A Case Study in Schema Therapy: Addressing Difficulties in the Lack of Boundaries

Yeri Valentina Gómez Cardenas, Jorge Alberto Velásquez Castrillón

Languages: Spanish, Castilian

DOI: 10.17160/josha.10.5.937

This article arises from theoretical and practical research whose objective was to present essential elements for the investigation of Schema Therapy, through a case study design. This article discusses a 32-year-old female patient, who comes for consultation due to a lack of boundaries. A variety of tools were used to assess the patient, including the semi-structured interview, Young’s Schema Questionnaire (YSQ), and therapeutic activities. Once the results were obtained, an intervention plan was developed to achieve the therapeutic goals; as a result, the patient showed improvement in the initial symptoms, increased her self-esteem and acquired skills to cope with her activated schemas, helping in decision-making and problem-solving, which led to an improvement in her interpersonal relationships. In conclusion, the schema therapy used was effective in reducing the patient’s initial distress. This case study seeks to contribute to research on Schema Therapy in the clinical context.

1241 875
Published in Volume 10, Issue 5 -

Cero Sero - Zero Will be

José Barletta

Languages: Spanish, Castilian

DOI: 10.17160/josha.10.5.914

According to UNAIDS, 37.6 million people globally were living with HIV in 2020. In 2016, the United Nations General Assembly’s Political Declaration on Ending AIDS established the 90-90-90 targets: (1) to diagnose 90% of people living with HIV, (2) to secure the treatment for 90% among people who knew their status, and (3) to reach virally suppression in 90% of people accessing treatment by the end of 2020. As Undetectable = Untransmittable, AIDS should be controlled by 2030. In this article, originally published in El Gato y La Caja, Dr. José Barletta discusses the relevance of viral suppression in HIV+ patients. This article was previously published in El Gato y La Caja on April 10, 2019 (

1286 887
Published in Volume 10, Issue 5 -

Glifosanto - Glyphosanto

Ezequiel Arrieta, Fernango Mordi Guerrieri, Haydeé Norma Pizarro

Languages: Spanish, Castilian

DOI: 10.17160/josha.10.5.913

In Mexico, in the 1940s, an American agronomist named Norman Borlaug developed a variety of wheat resistant to a fungus that infects wheat and corn crops, thus managing to double crop production and leading Mexico to become an exporting country of grains. Then, with the aim of reducing mass famine on a global scale, scientists improved the yields of a few crops (such as corn, wheat, rice, and potatoes) to efficiently provide food for the growing population. However, relying on so few crops left us highly vulnerable to attack by pests including unwanted herbs, insects, and fungi. Thus, it became increasingly clear that the only way to keep a huge field grown with only one species (such as corn) pest-free was by applying synthetic pesticides, such as DDT and glyphosate. This is their story. This article was previously published in El Gato y La Caja on March 12, 2019 (

1340 770
Published in Volume 10, Issue 4 -

Dame Alas - Give Me Wings

Enrique Ortega Forte

Languages: Spanish, Castilian

DOI: 10.17160/josha.10.4.912

Until the 1960s, the use of different substances to increase physical capacity was something accepted in the sports community. It was not even conceived as breaking the rules of fair play. In fact, it was not the records achieved by athletes that drew attention to doping, but the deaths caused by the consumption of such substances. Nowadays, in sports doping, we find many different types of substances: from stimulant agents as common as caffeine to new synthetic drugs including new anabolic steroids, chemical modifications of testosterone, and new amphetamine derivatives. The WADA agency oversees doping tests but does not publish the results to avoid further manipulation. However, this lack of transparency raises concerns about the sensitivity and specificity of such tests. In this article, Enrique Ortega Forte discusses the limitations of current doping regulations. This article was previously published in El Gato y La Caja on June 24, 2020 (

2578 1133
Published in Volume 10, Issue 1 -

Online Background Verification in Selection Processes: Between the Public and the Private. Verificación de antecedentes en línea en los procesos de Selección: Entre lo público y lo privado.

Sonia S. López Rendón

Languages: Spanish, Castilian

DOI: 10.17160/josha.10.1.873

Browse online background check processes. Identify the behaviors that, in social networks, affect a selection process. Identify some personality characteristics that influence the violation of privacy on networks. Recruitment 2.0 is based on the online background search, assessing the applicant through their posts on their social networks, associating the findings with the qualities and aptitudes for the position. The research is framed under a documentary review, whose purpose is to describe the results of studies that have been conducted on online background checks.

1398 1117
Published in Volume 9, Issue 6 -

“Escuchamo’ a Páez, y Nacemos de Nuevo”- We Listen to Páez and We Are Born Again

Guido Pisani

Languages: Spanish, Castilian

DOI: 10.17160/josha.9.6.863

Historically, music has been used to maintain or restore people’s health across different civilizations, characterised by different uses and beliefs. Different methodologies involving music have been applied in pathologies varying from psychiatric disorders, to physical pain. Singing, playing instruments, or even passively listening to specific melodies were recognized by many societies as key in the rehabilitation of different pathophysiological processes. The scientific method applied to study the impact of music on human health has led to a deeper understanding of the potential benefits of music therapy applied as part of the formal medical treatment in specific diseases. In the last 30 years, numerous studies focused on analysing the impact of specific musical interventions in conditions such as pain associated with cancer and surgery, refractory epilepsy, anxiety, and neurological post-stroke rehabilitation.