
3005 2316
Published in Volume 5, Issue 9 -

Artistic Dialectic between Tragedy and Misfortune in Oedipus the King

Lizdaribeth Josefina Torrealba Hernandez

Languages: Spanish, Castilian

DOI: 10.17160/josha.5.9.495

Destiny is that force which guides the will of the men, however, they want in many cases to go against that delineated force. The classic conception of tragedy glimpses the prevailing contradiction between happiness and misfortune. The tragic stories emerge as a living and very intense lesson about the decisions which men adopt freely without considering those extreme laws ruled by fate and by the gods. This work is oriented towards the philosophical and aesthetic study of the Oedipus Rex Tragedy by Sophocles. Likewise said writing is sustained under the philosophical and aesthetic foundations of Nietzsche and Aristotle.

2435 1623
Published in Volume 5, Issue 9 -

Knowledge That is Not Communicated is Wasted: JOSHA - Open Access With Author Copyright - Spanish Version: El conocimiento que no se comunica se desperdicia: JOSHA - Acceso abierto con derechos de autor.

Gerhard G. Steinmann, Roland Mertelsmann, María Fernanda Sandoval

Languages: Spanish, Castilian

DOI: 10.17160/josha.5.9.492

Universal access to knowledge is a fundamental principle of science and humanities. Today, however, publications of science and humanities are locked behind high paywalls and non-transparent selection procedures. In the efforts to resolve the misery, a first important milestone was the “Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities” of 2003. This year, a second milestone was reached: Eleven European research funding institutions have committed to require from 2020 on that all results from research funded by these institutions are published immediately in compliant Open Access journals or platforms. The negative liabilities of Peer-review procedures, including the “Semmelweis reflex” are shown to represent further barriers for an immediate universal dissemination of knowledge. The original article (DOI: 10.17160/josha.5.9.488).

2748 2014
Published in Volume 5, Issue 6 -


Fabián Gustavo F. Díaz Rodriguez, Hector Julio Melendez Florez

Languages: Spanish, Castilian

DOI: 10.17160/josha.5.6.453

We present the case of a 15 years old female patient admitted to the Critical Care Unit. The patient was scheduled for extubation with a tube exchanger. However, the tube exchanger broke inside the patient's airway immediately after extubation requiring surgical intervention, which was successfully performed.

3009 2049
Published in Volume 5, Issue 6 -

Visiting the Atelier Carlos Cruz Diez, Paris. Un recorrido colorido por el Atelier Carlos Cruz Diez, Paris.

María Fernanda Sandoval, Felicitas Holzer, Roland Mertelsmann

Languages: Spanish, Castilian

DOI: 10.17160/josha.5.6.444

JOSHA, being a multilingual online library and free access journal available in all countries, has been a part of the incredible works of great authors in the lines of science, humanities, and arts. A recent event organized in Paris took us far away from our geographical limits and allowed us to make very important connections with people who have the same purpose as JOSHA has, to share art. Art is a human expression that comes to us every day in many ways and every innovative idea or thought that contributes to the community is worthy to be presented to the world as Art. That is why we at JOSHA are proud to present you one of the greatest artists of the 20th century, Carlos Cruz Diez and his Art.

2786 2032
Published in Volume 5, Issue 5 -

Music and its influence on the art of writing poetry - La música y su influencia sobre el arte de poetizar

Lizdaribeth Josefina Torrealba Hernandez

Languages: Spanish, Castilian

DOI: 10.17160/josha.5.5.439

Fine arts is a product of the genius search to wake up all the sensitive capacity in the spectator enabling an aesthetic reflection, which can either be intellectual or sensory character. This work is oriented towards the aesthetic and metaphysical study of the Fine Arts, specifically of music and poetry. The study particularly focusses on Kant, Nietzsche and Schiller's esthetics argumentations. These German philosophers attended with their philosophical ideas to the particular essence of the poetry and music. The general objective of this work consists of the philosophical analysis of a possible metaphysic hierarchy between the music and the art of poetizing; thereby, it proceeds to interpret three ground works for the justification of the problem raised. The following are the titles: The Critique of Judgment, The Born of the Tragedy, Naive Poetry and Sentimental Poetry.

3293 2984
Published in Volume 5, Issue 5 -

Symbolism of freedom - El simbolismo de la libertad. Un medio de autorretrato nacional en Centro- y Suramérica.

Thomas Würtenberger

Languages: Spanish, Castilian

DOI: 10.17160/josha.5.5.431

"El simbolismo de la libertad. Un medio de autoretrato nacional" is a book who has been written by the German lawyer Thomas Württenberger. The original title in German is "Symbole der Freiheit: Zu den Wurzeln westlicher politischer Kultur". This article includes the translation into Spanish by María Sandoval of the 7th chapter which is about the symbolism of freedom in South America and Central America during their independent years.

2904 1835
Published in Volume 5, Issue 4 -

El IMBS "Diploma of Advanced Studies" Escuela de Invierno en Ciencias Biomédicas Freiburg 2018-19. Fecha límite de aplicación: 31 de julio 2018

Roland Mertelsmann, Bärbel Schätzle, Christoph Borner

Languages: Spanish, Castilian

DOI: 10.17160/josha.5.4.430

The Winter School of Biomedical Sciences is a 5 months international program at the University of Freiburg. It is designed as an intensive time of studies and research with specific and practical training that qualifies for success in academia or the private sector. In addition to the modules, students can choose a personal research project. Each research project is individually supervised and involves eight weeks of lab work, that is seven weeks of experimental work followed by a week of data analysis and a written lab report in the format of a scientific research publication. La Escuela de Invierno en Ciencias Biomédicas es un programa internacional de 5 meses de duración en la Universidad de Friburgo. Está diseñado como un tiempo de investigación y estudios intensivos, con entrenamiento específico y práctico que califica a los participantes para el éxito en el sector académico o industrial.

2988 2192
Published in Volume 5, Issue 4 -


Aura Milena Poveda Díaz, Héctor Julio Meléndez Flórez et al.

Languages: Spanish, Castilian

DOI: 10.17160/josha.5.4.413

Among the population undergoing a mastectomy due to breast cancer, the incidence of chronic neuropathic pain syndrome (CNPS) is between 20 and 50%. This pathology increases the morbidity, delaying not only the rehabilitation process but also the return to daily activities with an impact on life quality. Given its difficult management, it is important to seek preventive strategies and interventions. Pregabalin is a therapeutic option because of its antineuropathic mechanism, of which its preventive efficacy in this syndrome is not clear.

2732 3348
Published in Volume 5, Issue 3 -

The difficult airway: A safe extubation strategy.

Laura Viguera Fernandez, Pedro Charco Mora, Lucia Gallego Ligorit et al.

Languages: Spanish, Castilian

DOI: 10.17160/josha.5.3.412

During the last years, different algorithms have been developed for the treatment of a difficult airway, which besides the development of new technologies such as video laryngoscopy, have improved the results in the treatment of these patients. However, all of it has not had beneficial repercussions on the complications derived from extubation, especially in difficult patients, who remain in a third of the total complications related to the control of the airway, reaching a mortality rate of 5%. We all know the clinical criteria for extubation in a patient. However, it is mandatory to have previously established an adequate strategy to perform a safe extubation for our patient, especially if it was difficult to intubate.

3296 2113
Published in Volume 5, Issue 4 -

A poem of Gustavo Adolfo Becquer: Rima IX

Laura Carasevici

Languages: Spanish, Castilian

DOI: 10.17160/josha.5.4.399

Gustavo Adolfo Becquer - February 17, 1836 - December 22, 1870 - is today considered one of the most important figures in Spanish literature. The Rima IX belongs to one of many of his masterpieces and has been translated from Spanish into Romanian by Dra. Laura Carasevici who has a Ph.D. in Psychology (University of Porto, Portugal) and a Ph.D. in Philology („Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University from Iaşi, Romania). She teaches Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University from Iaşi and she is also a literary translator (Re-edited 16.05.18)