
2014 1434
Published in Volume 8, Issue 5 -

To Bordeaux – With Love. A Homage in Three Languages

Gerhard Steinmann

Languages: French

DOI: 10.17160/josha.8.5.795

For the next glass of Bordeaux, it's not far, everywhere in the world. The way to the city of Bordeaux can be very long, but it is worth it. This is a trilingual tribute to a city with which the authors have developed a very personal relationship over the decades. Especially since the turn of the millennium, we have witnessed with great enthusiasm how the city is developing into a French jewel. Not only a student city, but also a city of French high culture in all areas, history, sciences, arts and last not least French culinary. On the way to the Atlantic, a detour is worthwhile. What could be better than a day in Bordeaux! Gerhard Steinmann, International Academy of Sciences, Humanities and Arts, Freiburg i.Br., Germany with photos of Claudia Steinmann-Fölger and others

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Published in Volume 6, Issue 1 -


Roland Mertelsmann

Languages: French

DOI: 10.17160/josha.6.1.517

The JOSHA Team is very pleased to share with you information about our second Demetrios Prize 2019. For the categories BACHELOR, MASTER and DOCTORAL thesis the International Academy of Science, Humanities and Arts (IASHA e.V.) supported by the Biothera Foundation will select 3 theses in each category and award a prize of € 500 each. Our editors will select the winners. The manuscripts of the winners will be published in the Journal of Science, Humanities, and Arts - JOSHA, with a unique DOI for each paper. Theses in either GERMAN, ENGLISH, FRENCH or SPANISH may be submitted. Bachelor, Master, and doctoral theses should be submitted by mail to June 15, 2019. The “Journal of Science, Humanities, and Arts – JOSHA” has been initiated to create a novel internet platform to access the broad diversity of important discoveries and creativity in the fields of Science, Humanities, and Arts.

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Published in Volume 5, Issue 10 -

Art - La mère de toutes les découvertes

Stephan Seiler

Languages: French

DOI: 10.17160/josha.5.10.509

This is a French translation from the original article in German about our yearly award ceremony in Freiburg, Germany. Science meets art! The International Academy of Sciences, Humanities, and Arts organizes a successful concert for the second time. With the motto "Art opens the mind and heart," the deputy chairman of IASHA e. V. Prof. dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Roland Mertelsmann opens the successful symbiosis of music, poetry and scientific talent development. The event was hosted by IASHA e.V. and Marcel Thimm, CEO of Sparkasse Freiburg. The focus is on promoting young scientists and artists through scholarships, prizes and the opportunity to publish in the Journal of Sciences, Humanities, and Arts.

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Published in Volume 5, Issue 9 -

Knowledge That is Not Communicated is Wasted: JOSHA - Open Access With Author Copyright - French Version: La connaissance qui n'est pas communiquée est gaspillée: JOSHA - Open Access With Author Copyright

Gerhard G. Steinmann, Roland Mertelsmann

Languages: French

DOI: 10.17160/josha.5.9.493

This article will be translated into other languages using an electronic translator. We apologize should there be any inconsistencies. For any queries, please refer to the original publication. ( DOI: 10.17160/josha.5.9.488) UNIVERSAL ACCESS to knowledge is a fundamental principle of science and humanities. Today, however, publications of science and humanities are locked behind high paywalls and non-transparent selection procedures. In the efforts to resolve the misery, a first important milestone was the “Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities” of 2003. This year, a second milestone was reached: Eleven European research funding institutions have committed to requiring from 2020 on that all results from research funded by these institutions are published immediately in compliant Open Access journals or platforms.

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Published in Volume 4, Issue 3 -

The JOSHA Demetrios Project – Francais

Zazie-Charlotte Pfeiffer

Languages: French

DOI: 10.17160/josha.4.3.313

The JOSHA Demetrios Project: Monographs, Textbooks and Papers in any Language as “Books as Open Online Content (BOOC)” With this issue, JOSHA is starting a new project, the Demetrios Project. We chose Demetrios of Phaleron, a student of Theophrastus and most probably of Aristotle, as the name patron of our project. Demetrios was instrumental in establishing the ancient Library of Alexandria, probably the largest and most significant library of the ancient world covering all aspects of Science, Humanities and the Arts in many different languages. It is our objective to open up JOSHA as a universally accessible, open access library to all languages and countries. JOSHA will focus initially on publishing and provide open-access to textbooks in any field of Science, Humanities and the Arts, to students and readers worldwide. JOSHA will publish textbooks in any language after appropriate peer review by experts in the field knowledgeable of the respective language.

3682 2383
Published in Volume 3, Issue 1 -

Fleurs et musiques de Bretagne

Fanny Brun

Languages: French

DOI: 10.17160/josha.3.1.101

A visual homage to the flowers and the traditional music scene of Brittany by Fanny Brun.

5577 2688
Published in Volume 2, Issue 7 -

La peinture nitescente

Albane Roux

Languages: French

DOI: 10.17160/josha.2.7.80

ALBANE ROUX Née 1972, vit et travaille en Gironde sur le bassin d'Arcachon Saisie par les dialogues et résonances entre les couleurs depuis l'enfance, il y a 15 ans lorsque j'ai commencé à peindre, c'est sur des photographies argentiques anciennes, sur des mariés, des poilus, des communiantes. La richesse des textures du noir au blanc, l'histoire que j'imaginais de ces gens ordinaires, « leurs vies minuscules », m'ont amené à voiler ces images d'une laitance blanche à base de colle de peau de lapin et de les faire disparaître encore un peu plus, en les couvrant de goudron, noir. Puis comme pour éviter l'oubli par grattage, frottement, incompatibilité et jeux de matière resurgissaient un morceau de soulier verni, une main, un bouquet, une oreille, un pan de tissus. Aujourd'hui afin que les gestes soient plus amples, les supports ont changé. Je recrée souvent sur la toile, en point de départ ce duel des noirs et des blancs où la couleur s’immisce.