
2653 1731
Published in Volume 5, Issue 9 -

Knowledge That is Not Communicated is Wasted: JOSHA - Open Access With Author Copyright - German Version: Nicht kommuniziertes Wissen wird verschwendet: JOSHA - Open Access With Author Copyright

Gerhard G. Steinmann, Roland Mertelsmann

Languages: German

DOI: 10.17160/josha.5.9.491

Universal access to knowledge is a fundamental principle of science and humanities. Today, however, publications of science and humanities are locked behind high paywalls and non-transparent selection procedures. In the efforts to resolve the misery, a first important milestone was the “Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities” of 2003. This year, a second milestone was reached: Eleven European research funding institutions have committed to require from 2020 on that all results from research funded by these institutions are published immediately in compliant Open Access journals or platforms. The negative liabilities of Peer-review procedures, including the “Semmelweis reflex” are shown to represent further barriers for an immediate universal dissemination of knowledge. To overcome inappropriate locking of science and humanities behind walls, the remaining future milestone is that authors retain a non-exclusive copyright.

2526 1859
Published in Volume 5, Issue 8 -

Max Frisch - The problem of identity in his work from a psychoanalytical Point of view - Third Part

Gunda Lusser-Mertelsmann

Languages: German

DOI: 10.17160/josha.5.8.485

This article is the third topic of the dissertation: „Max Frisch – Die Identitätsproblematik in seinem Werk aus psychoanalytischer Sicht“ by the German philologist and psychoanalyst Gunda Lusser-Mertelsmann. She reflects on the question of whether our society supports is individuals in developing their own identity and originality rather than suppressing exactly this development. Can an individual really be free enough to shape his own character or do we simply follow fixed pathways on the road to conformity in our society? How do the mass media influence our personalities and what are educations’ possibilities of changing the way we deal with all the influences of the mass media? The following article is written in German. (reprinted with kind permission of „Akademischer Verlag Heinz-Dieter“, Stuttgart 1976). Part 1: http://www.josha-journal.

2929 3738
Published in Volume 5, Issue 8 -

"Songs at, on and under the table" Ensemble music of the 16th and 17th centuries

Frederique Renno

Languages: German

DOI: 10.17160/josha.5.8.484

Under the title "Songs at, on and under the table", the musicians of the ensembles Quadrophon and pian e forte performed ensemble music of the 16th and 17th century under the direction of Uwe Schlottermüller. The concert took place in the framework of the scientific junior conference "Popularity: Song and Poetry from the 16th to the 19th century", which took place at the FRIAS (Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies) from 24th to 26th September 2018 by Sarah Ruppe (Freiburg), Hannah Berner (Geneva) and Frédérique Renno (Freiburg). The topic of the conference was the question of how and why songs and poems become popular

3029 1986
Published in Volume 5, Issue 8 -

BIO-SIEL for the classical?

Languages: German

DOI: 10.17160/josha.5.8.478

Leander Hotaki is since 2010 the director of the German program called "Albert Konzerte" which is a program encharged of making possible to bring the greatest artist of the World to Freiburg and to make the most wonderful concerts in the south-west of Germany. In fact, he also promotes the work of the best students in the field of dramaturge or music in many universities in Germany and writes columns about different topics around music and musicians. This time he writes about the possibility of making an ecological music work.

2950 2013
Published in Volume 5, Issue 7 -

Demetrios Preis 2018: "A comparison of the religiosity of Christian and Muslim youth in Germany"

Nora Marie Leps

Languages: German

DOI: 10.17160/josha.5.7.473

This is one of the four works that has been selected by our JOSHA-editors as a winner of our Demetrios Preis 2018! The Thesis was presented by Nora Marie Leps from Germany. Religion and religious education are once again playing an important public role in the integration debate in the face of demographic change in Europe because religion, among other things, provides for integration and orientation. According to Schambeck, religious education, in particular, should aim to teach the students in, from, through and about religion. How can this be achieved so that young people can behave in the face of multiculturalism in Germany?

2856 2477
Published in Volume 5, Issue 7 -

Demetrios Preis 2018: "Comparison of preclinical characterization methods of a radioactive pharmaceutical agent"

Simon Osterkamp

Languages: German

DOI: 10.17160/josha.5.7.472

This is one of the four works that have been selected by our JOSHA-editors as a winner of our Demetrios Preis 2018! The Thesis was presented by Simon Osterkamp from Germany. Neuroendocrine Tumors (NET) are relatively rare tumors with an incidence 0f 35 per 100000 in the USA. They express the Somatostatin Receptor (SST-R) which specifically binds the radioactive agent DOTATATE. The objective of the research presented here was to investigate whether saturation with 68Ga-DOTATATE with [68Ga]Ga3+ has an effect on the KD. Furthermore, a protocol was to be developed which would allow measuring the KD-Value by IC50- determination via "Vakuum-Stanzer".

3088 2428
Published in Volume 5, Issue 7 -


Leah Biebert

Languages: German

DOI: 10.17160/josha.5.7.471

This is one of the four works that have been selected by our JOSHA-editors as a winner of our Demetrios Preis 2018! The Thesis was presented by Leah Biebert from Germany. Die Carmina Burana wurden in ihrem Erfolg zu einem Triumph der Liebe über den Faschismus der Zeit. Sie stellen etwas Allgemeingültiges dar und sind symbolhaft für ein zeitloses Menschentum, dem ein übergreifendes Schicksal, die Unentrinnbarkeit aus dem Rad der Fortuna, auferlegt ist. Aufgrund dieser allumfassenden Thematik konnten Menschen unterschiedlicher Nationen Aspekte ihres eigenen Lebens sowie ihre eigenen Erfahrungen in dem Werk wiederfinden und sich damit identifizieren. Dass das Werk zeitlos ist, kann man auch heute noch an dem Erfolg der Carmina Burana beobachten, durch den die übrigen 17 Bühnenwerke Carl Orffs in den Schatten getreten sind.

2911 2072
Published in Volume 5, Issue 7 -

Demetrios Preis 2018: "Activist, Politician, Intellectual - Zahrā Rahnavard and the Women's rights in Iran since the 20th Century"

Elena Ricarda Fellner

Languages: German

DOI: 10.17160/josha.5.7.470

This is one of the works that have been selected by our editors as a winner of our Demetrios Preis 2018! The Article presented by Elena Ricarda Fellner from Germany was selected because of the importance to have an opinion as a Woman living in countries like Iran and the conflicts they have to confront to protect their opinions. The purpose of this work was to show the carrier, the personal improvement of Zahrā Rahnavard and especially, the improvement of Women's rights with the history of Iran as a background.

2581 2019
Published in Volume 5, Issue 7 -

International Academy of Science, Humanities and Arts e. V. Annual Report 2017

Gerhard G. Steinmann, Christiane Lange, Roland Mertelsmann

Languages: German

DOI: 10.17160/josha.5.7.463

The International Academy of Sciences, Humanities and Arts (IASHA) e.V., a registered society located in Freiburg, Germany was founded on June 20th, 2015. The Academy is pursuing exclusively and immediately charitable objectives to foster the advancement of sciences, humanities and arts. According to its by-laws, the Academy is reporting annually on its activities and financial status. The year 2017 is the second fiscal year after the foundation of IASHA e.V. The Annual Report of the International Academy of Sciences, Humanities and Arts (IASHA) e.V. was unanimously approved at the Annual Meeting of IASHA on April 21th, 2018 (Download German and English).The homepage of the Academy can be found under . If you would like to join IASHA as a member, please fill out the contact form on the homepage or send a mail asking for membership to

3210 1775
Published in Volume 5, Issue 7 -

U2 BONO: Europe from an Idea To a Feeling - Von einem Gedanken zu einem Gefühl

María Fernanda Sandoval

Languages: German

DOI: 10.17160/josha.5.7.462

A recent article of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (27.8.18) shows that many artists are ready to speak about the challenges of our societies. This time it was Bono from the Irish rock band U2 who has spoken about the importance of a unified Europe! Probably the best place on earth to live today. The picture on the cover: U2 Home Page. Original article in English: