Exposición de la muerte como satisfacción anónima de algunos Hombres - Death as an anonymous Satisfaction of some Men
Madelay Coromoto Escobar Uztariz
Affiliation: Facultad de Ciencias Filosóficas, Universidad Católica Santa Rosa. Caracas, Venezuela.
Keywords: Death, Satisfaction and despair.
Categories: Humanities, Social Sciences and Law, Demetrios Project
DOI: 10.17160/josha.7.4.682
Languages: Spanish, Castilian
This investigation does not seek to verify weather there is an afterlife since that intention may take it out of the philosophical framework. In this special degree, the main intention is to go deeper into the sick morbidity, to highlight all the meaning it represents in the perception of men. This work is oriented to the existential study of death as a natural and ontological phenomenon where the protagonist is the man. The research is based on the work of E.M. Cioran on the Heights of Despair. The general objective is to expose death as an anonymous satisfaction of some men, so we proceed to study the concept of death to examine their own thoughts, beliefs, and experiences of men and also reflect on the exalting presentation of death in literary texts and the seventh art. As a result of this research, it can be deduced and concluded that the conception of death and dying as an immediate fact usually sensitizes man to such an extent that he himself is satisfied with it. Therefore, this work manages to support a more open and not so dogmatic vision of death, and even more, to know it from the perspective of man, who is unquestionably the protagonist before death.
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Excelente tesis, digna de dedicarle tiempo para leerla!