A poem of Gustavo Adolfo Becquer: Rima IX
DOI: 10.17160/josha.5.4.399
Gustavo Adolfo Becquer - February 17, 1836 - December 22, 1870 - is today considered one of the most important figures in Spanish literature. The Rima IX belongs to one of many of his masterpieces and has been translated from Spanish into Romanian by Dra. Laura Carasevici who has a Ph.D. in Psychology (University of Porto, Portugal) and a Ph.D. in Philology („Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University from Iaşi, Romania). She teaches Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University from Iaşi and she is also a literary translator (Re-edited 16.05.18)
Mihai Eminescu: You don´t understand me - Nu mă înţelegi - No me entiendes
DOI: 10.17160/josha.5.2.398
There are two poems by Eminescu, which have been translated from Romanian into Spanish and a poem written by the Spanish romantic poet Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, which has been translated from Spanish into Romanian. Mihai Eminescu – January 15, 1850 – June 15, 1889 – is considered to be the greatest Romanian poet. The poem “Nu mă înţelegi” has been translated from Romanian into Spanish by Dr. Laura Carasevici who has a PhD in Psychology (University of Porto, Portugal) and a PhD in Philology (“Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi, Romania). She teaches Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of "Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi, and she is also a literary translator.
Mihai Eminescu: The Lake - Lacul - El lago
DOI: 10.17160/josha.5.3.397
There are two poems by Eminescu, which have been translated from Romanian into Spanish and a poem written by the Spanish romantic poet Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, which has been translated from Spanish into Romanian. Mihai Eminescu – January 15, 1850 – June 15, 1889 – is considered to be the greatest Romanian poet. The poem “Lacul” has been translated from Romanian into Spanish by Dr. Laura Carasevici who has a PhD in Psychology (University of Porto, Portugal) and a PhD in Philology (“Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi, Romania). She teaches Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of "Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi, and she is also a literary translator.
DOI: 10.17160/josha.5.2.394
Abstract: In Colombia, patients classified as obstetric low risk have maternal or fetal adverse outcomes like pathologies associated with the alteration in placentation and Doppler of uterine arteries (DUA) is a useful method to predict complications derived from inadequate placentation. We decided to evaluate the prevalence alteration of DUA between week 20 and 24 of gestation in low-risk obstetric patients in Bucaramanga and its metropolitan area. We did a prospective cross-sectional study on this population and we report the result in 120 patients that were between 18 and 35 years old. There was an abnormality IP in 15.0% (18) of the patients (95% CI from 9.1% to 22.7%), of the IR in 25.0% (30) (95% CI from 17.3% to 33.7%) and presence of Notch in 10.8% (13) (95% CI from 5.9% to 17.8%). Of 18 (15.0%) patients who had impaired PI 2 had normal RI and the Notch was absent in 6. The three parameters were altered in 11 (9.2%) patients.
DOI: 10.17160/josha.5.2.391
SUMMARY: with the increase in the rate of cesarean sections, more women experience long-term effects, because more than half develop a defect in the scar after a cesarean section. These defects are related to abnormal bleeding, dysmenorrhea, chronic pelvic pain, subfertility and obstetric problems. Evaluate by transvaginal ultrasound the post-cesarean scar in the lower uterine segment in non-pregnant patients and explore the possible factors involved in the healing of the cesarean, the development of scar defects and their association with gynecological symptoms. Our results are similar to those reported in the literature. The RM and the percentage of RM are maintained as important factors in determining the healing of a cesarean. The distance of the scar to the (ICO) a protective factor for the formation of defects, as the elective cesarean is associated with anomalous scars.
DOI: 10.17160/josha.5.2.386
Cardiac arrest secondary to postoperative pulmonary complications is the second most frequent cause of mortality, and they are often underestimated. A review of the literature was made. We describe the main risk factors for postoperative pulmonary complications, the diagnosis and initial management of the main pulmonary complications such as hypoxemia, hypercapnia, laryn-gospasm, bronchospasm, bronchoaspiration and residual neuromuscular relaxation. El paro cardiaco perioperatorio secundario a complicaciones pulmonares transoperatorias es la segunda causa de mortalidad, y con frecuencia son subestimada.
Search for synthetic and natural substances with in vitro bioactivity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
DOI: 10.17160/josha.5.1.380
tuberculosis (TB) is still considered as an important worldwide health problem. For this reason, national and international health agencies encourage the researchers to improve and strengthen the control strategies and disease treatment. Currently, there have been important advances in the discovery and development of drugs that probably will be included in the standard scheme of anti-TB treatment, however for many of the current treatments, there have been resistant strains reported and even worst for most of the new treatments resistance is expected, making it necessary to maintain a continuous search for treatment alternatives.
Psychology based on evidence and panic disorder; analysis of a case study
DOI: 10.17160/josha.5.1.377
This single case study aims to analyse the case of a patient suffering panic disorder, accompanied by a recurrent depressive disorder. As a treatment, therapies based on empirical evidence were used. During the evaluation phase, a symptoms severity scale for panic disorder, a depression inventory from Beck, 1979 and a clinical interview were used; additionally, therapeutic targets were proposed, and panic cognitive therapy was applied; the therapy was developed during 17 treatment sessions, where the techniques of psychoeducation, cognitive restructuring, relaxation and interceptive exposure were used; At the end of the treatment there was a significant decrease in the symptoms of panic, anxiety and depression that helped to improve the overall conditions of the patient. When comparing the results obtained after the treatment process, the results show congruencies with the available literature.
Search for synthetic and natural substances with in vitro bioactivity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Part I
DOI: 10.17160/josha.4.6.367
INTRODUCTION: tuberculosis (TB) is still considered as an important worldwide health problem. For this reason, national and international health agencies encourage the researchers to improve and strengthen the control strategies and disease treatment. Currently, there have been important advances in the discovery and development of drugs that probably will be included in the standard scheme of anti-TB treatment, however for many of the current treatments, there have been resistant strains reported and even worst for most of the new treatments resistance is expected, making it necessary to maintain a continuous search for treatment alternatives. OBJECTIVE: determine the in vitro antimycobacterial activity of 15 synthetic molecules, 14 essential oils and 6 extracts from endemic plants growing in the department of Santander, Colombia.
Urinary Tract Infection As A Predictor Of Poor Prognosis In Pediatric Patients With Severe Febrile Neutropenia Related To Chemotherapy
DOI: 10.17160/josha.4.5.352
The diminished inflammatory response in patients with febrile neutropenia secondary to chemotherapy makes it hard to discard a urinary tract infection based solely on the physical evaluation of the patient and basic urine laboratory tests. This could lead to false negative results with serious consequences to the patients. Objective: To define if the urinary tract infection is a high-risk predictor of severe complications in the pediatric patient with febrile neutropenia-related with chemotherapy and to establish the diagnostic significance of normal urine sediment in the initial study. Methods: A Cross-sectional study of diagnostic technology. We included children with ages from 2 to 18 years old, with severe febrile neutropenia related to chemotherapy, we compared patients with and without urinary tract infection and evaluated poor prognosis outcomes and analyzed the diagnostic efficiency of urinalysis.