
2402 1578
Published in Volume 7, Issue 2 -


Ezequiel Calvo Roitberg

Languages: Spanish, Castilian

DOI: 10.17160/josha.7.2.658

This is one of many Articles El Gato y La Caja shares with the JOSHA Journal. This time in the field of Life and Sciences Ezequiel Calvo presents an incredible story about Henrietta Lacks, a woman that changes and improve forever all the labs around the world. Shortly after being diagnosed (and without her consent) a small piece of Henrietta Lacks´ tumor was cut out and put it in a glass dish. Surprisingly, her uterine-cervical cancer cells had the ability to grow indefinitely. In this single immoral act, the beginning of a revolution in cell biology had occurred. On October 4, 1951, Henrietta Lacks died without knowing that a little piece of her was going to be found in almost every laboratory in the world that uses cell culture. This is her story.

2624 2093
Published in Volume 7, Issue 2 -

La lengua degenerada

Sol Minoldo, Juan Cruz Balian

Languages: Spanish, Castilian

DOI: 10.17160/josha.7.2.651

Languages that attribute a grammatical gender to objects might induce a biased effect on how these objects are perceived. In a famous study by Lera Boroditsky, a list of 24 reverse-gendered nouns was prepared in Spanish and German. In each language, half of them were feminine and half masculine. Native Spanish and German speakers were shown the nouns, written in English, and asked about the first three adjectives that came to their minds. For instance, the word key is masculine in German. German speakers described keys as hard, heavy, metallic, and useful. In contrast, Spanish speakers described them as golden, small, adorable, shiny, and tiny. Conversely, the word bridge is feminine in German, and German speakers described bridges as beautiful, elegant, fragile, pretty, quiet, slender. Spanish speakers said that they were big, dangerous, strong, resistant, imposing, and long.

2619 1731
Published in Volume 7, Issue 2 -

Perfil Clinico de Pacientes con Trastornos de la Conducta Alimentaria - Clinical Profile of Patients with Eating Disorders

Tatiana T. Castañeda

Languages: Spanish, Castilian

DOI: 10.17160/josha.7.2.648

The main objective of the present theoretical review is to provide a detailed description of the clinical profile of subjects suffering from an Eating Disorder. To this end, documentary observation and content analysis were used as data collection and systematization techniques, respectively. The above was done by reviewing a total sample of 49 electronic articles that gave an account of the incident factors in eating disorders. The results obtained indicate the relevance of cognitive distortions of body image in the maintenance and prognosis of ACTs. Taking into account the aforementioned, a review of the main theoretical contributions describing the clinical profile of patients with eating disorders will be carried out. In particular about Anorexia Nervosa (AN) and Bulimia Nervosa (BN).

2364 1820
Published in Volume 7, Issue 1 -

Correlation between ultrasound Diagnosis of Chorionicity with postpartum placental Histopathology and the Risk of adverse perinatal Outcomes in monochorionic twin Pregnancies

Silvia Juliana Barajas Rueda , Carlos Hernan Becerra

Languages: Spanish, Castilian

DOI: 10.17160/josha.7.1.632

The objective of this study is to determine if non-correlation between the ultrasound diagnosis of chorionicity with a postpartum placental histopathological study is a risk factor for presenting adverse perinatal outcomes, assumed fact, but it has not been registered yet in the current literature. MATERIALS AND METHODS: transversal and retrolective study. Twin pregnancies cases treated in the HUS between 2014-2019 were evaluated. Cases with a postpartum placental histopathological study report, concerning monochorionic twin pregnancy, were included. The ultrasound / histopathological diagnostic correlation of chorionicity was evaluated between initial obstetric ultrasound and placental study. Stratified sampling analysis was performed according to the presence or absence of diagnostic correlation and according to the time of the obstetric ultrasound.

4329 3111
Published in Volume 7, Issue 2 -

PENSAR CON OTROS, La Era de la Posverdad - Las palabras y las cosas, Capitulo 1- THINKING WITH OTHERS: A survival guide in times of post-truth

Guadalupe Nogués

Languages: Spanish, Castilian

DOI: 10.17160/josha.7.2.631

Below is the introduction, preface and first chapter of the book Pensar con otros. Una guía de supervivencia en tiempos de posverdad (Thinking with others. A survival guide in times of post-truth), published in 2018. A book that aims to be a starting point to break down post-truth into its main components through concrete examples, as a way to better prepare ourselves to identify the structures that foster post-truth and thus achieve, together, survival and victory. Post-truth allows facts to become facts as long as they fit the desires of each group, of each tribe. Each of these groups develops its own narrative with a language that privileges the capacity to provoke emotions, and pushes those emotions to build landscapes only accessible to those who share the way of looking at them. This discontinuity in the landscape is a threat to the existence and development of meaningful human bonds, to our coexistence as a species on this planet and, thus, to our survival.

2741 1834
Published in Volume 7, Issue 1 -

The Effect of Cervical Cancer Surgical Management on Sexual Function in a northeastern colombian Hospital

Astrid Paola A. Cuervo , Franco Garcia, Rocio Guarin

Languages: Spanish, Castilian

DOI: 10.17160/josha.7.1.630

Female sexual function is one of the determinants factors for female health. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of surgical management on female sexual function in patients with cervix cancer six months after the intervention. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Prolective cohort in which we applied in a voluntary way the Female sexual function index (FSFI) n women with a diagnosis of cervix cancer and surgical management with active sexual life treated in Hospital Universitario de Santander (Colombia) in 2019.

2504 1936
Published in Volume 7, Issue 1 -

Evaluation of the Determinants of Magnesemia in Patients with Preeclampsia with severe Features treated according to 2013 Task force Figo protocol

Juan Carlos Otero Pinto, Sergio Andres Calvo Castro et al.

Languages: Spanish, Castilian

DOI: 10.17160/josha.7.1.628

Corresponding Author: Katherine Bahamon Florez. The therapeutic schemes with magnesium sulfate for the treatment to severe criteria preeclampsia haven't had changes since the last century; they don't take into account the medicine's pharmacokinetics, resulting in variations on the Magnesium's serum levels. There is local research which evidenced that the use of current schemes is associated with subtherapeutic serum levels. Looking at factors that influenced creatinine's serum levels, body mass index (BMI) and the therapeutic scheme used. In this prospective study made in a third level hospital. We studied 90 pregnant women diagnosed with severe criteria preeclampsia, who were treated in the University Hospital of Santander from 2018 to 2019 and who started a prophylactic scheme with magnesium sulfate by 24 hours.

2666 1829
Published in Volume 6, Issue 11 -


Lizdaribeth Josefina Torrealba Hernandez

Languages: Spanish, Castilian

DOI: 10.17160/josha.6.11.622

Reason must be the faculty that provides the principles of knowledge a priori; with it, the human being has the capacity of rising, with the autonomy to judge about itself and its surroundings without delegating its own criteria to anyone. This writing glimpses the near danger that the human will experience unless he makes continuous use or exercises his superior faculties of the soul." Sapere Aude" is the Latin locution that urges the human being to think for himself; however, is a man conscious that there must be a frivolity of thought that delays his society? Among so many adversities, technology with its progress result disturbing if its dominance reins over the will and thought of man; However, intuition must be key to placing this in a reality where one can have objective conscious of what exists. The technological advances are innovations that alter reality in a positive and negative way according to its purpose.

2697 1951
Published in Volume 6, Issue 7 -

DEMETRIOS PRIZE 2019! La migración como tema en el cine latinoamericano - Migration as a theme in Latin American cinema. Border between Mexico and the United States.

María Fernanda Sandoval

Languages: Spanish, Castilian

DOI: 10.17160/josha.6.7.585

One of the winners, Venezuelan María Fernanda Sandoval Cabrera, presents her thesis questioning the real work of the media today around the illegal migration on the U.S.-Mexico border. In addition to the fact that migration is a current topic of great interest around the world, cinema also includes other critical content of great interest in the field of communication. However, in terms of the dissemination of both positive and negative information, as well as truthful and misleading information, it is possible to comment that today's audiovisual media function persuasively as creators of social opinions and, consequently, as a stereotyping entity of the masses.

2907 1962
Published in Volume 6, Issue 7 -

DEMETRIOS PRIZE 2019! Tortura: permisibilidad, mundo real y legislación - Torture: permissibility, real world and legislation

Federico Abal

Languages: Spanish, Castilian

DOI: 10.17160/josha.6.7.584

one of the winners, Federico Abal, presents the torture known as one of the actions considered morally aberrant and unacceptable. It often refers to the prohibition of this practice as an illustration of the type of rights that all people have for the sole reason that they are tortured and that must be respected. Despite this negative assessment of torture, expressed masterfully in the anecdote of the anarchist comrade, the debate over its moral permissibility has been revitalized in recent decades. In his thesis, the author addresses this and other problems related to the contemporary debate on torture. From the analysis offered in these three chapters he concludes that torture is an immoral prima facie practice, that it can be morally justifiable in exceptional cases and that, by virtue of such exceptionality, it is not reasonable to incur in legal reforms such as those proposed by the institutionalist model.