
3840 3043
Published in Volume 2, Issue 3 -

Growth hormone (GH) modulation of Epidermal growth factor (EGF) signalling in human mammary epithelial cells

Verena Wölker

Languages: English

DOI: 10.17160/josha.2.3.36

This study demonstrates crosstalk between Growth Hormone (GH) and Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) in two different breast cancer cell lines. Long-term modification of cell viability and the ERK1/2 and AKT pathways was only detected in MDA-231 cells. By simultaneous treatment with GH and EGF, the interaction between GH and EGF in MCF-7 cells could be transiently abrogated by GH-pre-treatment. Co-treatment with GH and EGF diminished cell viability in MCF-7 and MDA-231 cells. Furthermore, a direct influence between GH and EGF signaling resulted in less ERK phosphorylation in MCF-7 cells, whereas in MDA-231 cells less AKT phosphorylation could be observed. EGFR-down regulation due to GH is a potential reason but keeps to be elucidated.

5051 3118
Published in Volume 2, Issue 3 -

JOSHA - Table of Contents Volume 2 Issue 2

Roland Mertelsmann

Languages: English

DOI: 10.17160/josha.2.3.35

JOSHA – Journal of Science Humanities and Arts Table of Contents Vol 2, No 2 This new issue of the JOSHA Journal contains again a number of interesting articles covering the broad field of human research, discovery and creativity and, as a special topic, “International Cooperation and Mentoring” in academic institutions. The field of Arts is addressed by two wonderful papers, addressing art in the northern provinces of the Roman Empire as well as the creativity of a living artist. Aspects of Philosophy, Ethics and Law are studied in the paper on the philosopher Spinoza and his cultural and religious environment. In Life Sciences a fundamental process of the effect of human growth factor application to epidermal growth factor biology is studied.

4613 2947
Published in Volume 2, Issue 3 -

International Cooperation and Mentoring: An Academic Obligation? University of Concepción - CHILE

Carlos González Correa

Languages: English

DOI: 10.17160/josha.2.3.34

Concepción is the capital city of the Bio-Bio Region. ➢ It is located in the middle of Chile, close to the Pacific Ocean, and 500 kilometers south of Santiago. ➢ The Region is identified with the hydrographic basin of the Bio-Bio River, one of the most important fluvial streams in the country. Chile hold 64 Universities - Group 1: Include 25 members called the Rectors Council Group. - Group 2: Composed by 39 private Universities of different owners and orientations ➢ Also has 48 Professional Institutes and 117 Technical Training Centers In 1967, the Ministry of Eductation created an autonomous office called “National commission for scientific research and technology”, CONICYT. The two major objectives were the training of human capital and the promoting, developing, and disseminating scientific and technological research. The aim is to Contribute to Chile's economic, social, and culture development.

4971 3049
Published in Volume 2, Issue 3 -

Current trends in Community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Argentina

Marta Mollerach

Languages: English

DOI: 10.17160/josha.2.3.33

Community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) infections have become a major concern worldwide. Different from hospital-acquired MRSA, CA-MRSA usually is staphylococcal cassette chromosome (SCCmec) type IV, carries genes for Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL) and is susceptible to several non ß-lactam antibiotics. The epidemic of CA- MRSA is evolving. A specific clone that is initially propagating and causing CA-MRSA infections can be displaced by a more successful one. In Argentina, previous studies have identified sequence type 5 (ST5), SCCmec IV, spa type 311 as the predominant CA-MRSA clone causing infections and colonizing children.

5029 2759
Published in Volume 2, Issue 3 -

International Cooperation and Mentoring: An Academic Obligation? The Latin American Perspective: Argentina

Cristina Arranz

Languages: English

DOI: 10.17160/josha.2.3.32

Today, Argentina’s universities are placing a growing emphasis on internationalization and global engagement, creating a relatively positive context for student and scholar mobility going forward. According to official statistics, the number of foreign students studying in Argentina doubled between 2006 and 2013. About 70 percent are from other Latin American countries, with the remainder coming mostly from the United States and Europe. The most popular destination countries for Argentine students (in order of preference) are Spain, France, Brazil, the United States, Italy, Germany, Mexico, the United Kingdom, and Chile. In line with global trends, the Argentine government has begun implementing new policies and programs designed to increase outward student mobility (Garcia Fanelli, ACE, 2014)

4875 3323
Published in Volume 2, Issue 2 -

International Cooperation and Mentoring: An Academic Obligation? Current Trends in the Internationalization of Higher Education

Federico Vasen

Languages: English

DOI: 10.17160/josha.2.2.26

Unviersity and society in Latin America Even considering the great differences that can be found within the region, there are elements to support the idea of the existence of common traits in Latin American universities. One of their main common characteristics is linked to their historical background. Latin American universities have followed the Napoleonic model to a greater extent than the Humboldtian model of institutions. Its main function was to provide training in the liberal professions -doctors and lawyers- and not (as in France) to train high ranking civil servants. In countries such as Argentina, the university degree conferred a higher social status and contributed to upward social mobility. University-society relationships promoted by this kind of institution are mainly related to teaching and professional training.

2352 3797

Hirnmetastasen und systemische Therapie, Meningeosis carcinomatosa

Lisa Isbell

Languages: English

Die Therapie von Hirnmetastasen solider Tumore und die Therapie der Meningeosis carcinomatosa stellt eine große Herausforderung da. Ein zentrales Problem ist die ausreichende Wirksamkeit systemischer Therapien im ZNS. Die folgende Präsentation fasst die Literatur zu diesem Thema zusammen, stellt experimentelle Ansätze der intrathekalen Therapie vor und gibt einen Überblick über die Rolle von zielgerichteten Therapien wie Tyrosinkinase-Inhibitoren (TKI) in der Behandlung von ZNS-Metastasen.

5238 3139
Published in Volume 2, Issue 2 -

Episomal-Persistent DNA in Cancer and Chronic Diseases

Harald zur Hausen

Languages: English

DOI: 10.17160/josha.2.3.24

The DKFZ division Episomal-Persistent DNA in Cancer and Chronic Diseases, presently headed by Nobel prize laureate Harald zur Hausen, aims at the identification and characterization of disease-associated persistent circular DNA of infectious agents in human materials. Recent studies suggest an involvement of such agents in the development of chronic neurodegenerative diseases (Manuelidis, J. Neurovirol. (2011; 17:131–145). Besides the isolation of such DNAs, central questions are whether and in which way these DNA-sequences and their gene products contribute to the development of certain pathologies. A proof for a direct link between an infection with these agents and a specific disease may open new avenues for intervention (vaccination, identification of patients at risk and targeted therapy).

4077 3150
Published in Volume 2, Issue 2 -

Growth hormone administration patterns differently regulate epidermal growth factor signaling

Daniel Turyn

Languages: English

DOI: 10.17160/josha.2.2.21

Growth hormone (GH) is a pituitary hormone that stimulates longitudinal bone growth and induces diverse effects on cell growth, differentiation, and metabolism of proteins, lipids and carbohydrates (Herrington & Carter-Su 2001). The use of growth hormone in the endocrine practice and for the treatment of various clinical conditions is expanding. The first use of human GH (hGH) was replacement therapy in children with GH deficiency (GHD). However, further indications have been gradually approved or proposed since the development of recombinant human GH (rhGH).

10082 3827
Published in Volume 2, Issue 2 -

Cancer: A Story of Stem Cells and Evolution

Roland Mertelsmann

Languages: English

DOI: 10.17160/josha.2.2.20

Cancer is an acquired genetic disease of clonal origin. Carcinogenesis and its subsequent development follow the principles of evolution, starting with a single cell with stem cell properties and a proliferative advantage, leading to clonal expansion, clonal evolution and subsequent demise by killing the host: “Evolution gone awry”. Evolution can be divided into three essential steps: 1. “Chance” or random movement of molecules allows structures to interact. 2. Molecular affinity, “Necessity” (J. Monod, Chance and Necessity: Essay on the Natural Philosophy of Modern Biology, 1970), leads to a new structure providing novel properties and function. The 3rd step of the evolutionary processes, for which I would propose the term “Synclipse”, occurs, if the new constellation provides a biochemical and biological survival advantage, “survival of the fittest”, in a given environmental context.