
680 807
Published in Volume 11, Issue 2 -

The Underlying Tension in Oscar Wilde’s “The Decay of Lying”

Sara Tóth Martínez

Languages: English

DOI: 10.17160/josha.11.2.960

The object of study of this paper is The Decay of Lying by Oscar Wilde. In The Decay of Lying, Wilde presents the four main theses of his aesthetic philosophy that are the following: Art never expresses anything but itself, all bad Art comes from returning to Life and Nature and elevating them into ideals, Life imitates Art far more than Art imitates Life, Lying, the telling of beautiful untrue things, is the proper aim of Art. (Wilde 1905, 83-85) These are presented in the form of a Socratic Dialogue. Plato creates this form to present transcendent truths. (Puchner 2010, 30-35) According to Quintus, the aesthetic philosophy of Wilde already creates a tension between the content and the form. (Quintus 1980, 559) This gets accentuated when it comes to the Socratic Dialogue. In this paper, I explore the dimensions of this question, if there is tension, and how Wilde plays with it. I conclude that Wilde, using the Socratic Dialogue, transforms and adapts it to his philosophy.

659 621
Published in Volume 11, Issue 1 -

Editorial Volume 11, Issue 1

Stephan Seiler

Languages: English

DOI: 10.17160/josha.11.1.958

The year 2023 is drawing to a close and, unfortunately, some of us will not remember it too positively. The global upheavals – climate damage, war, migration and more – are casting too much of a shadow over coexistence on the planet. We at Josha Journal and the International Academy of Sciences, Humanities and Arts do not want to join in. We want to continue to be open to the world, curious and collaborative. Not only, but especially in the scientific community, these are values which must be cultivated! The Josha Journal is designed to be international, and we have once again achieved this goal in the year that is drawing to a close. So perhaps the year didn't go so badly after all. We will continue to be open to new knowledge in the new year 2024. You, the Josha community, are welcome to share this with us and get involved! Contributions are always welcome. The teams at the Journal and the Academy, wish everyone a happy new year 2024.

782 637
Published in Volume 11, Issue 1 -

Critical Review of “Ethics & Governance of Artificial Intelligence for Health” by the World Health Organization (WHO)

Rebecca Berger

Languages: English

DOI: 10.17160/josha.11.1.956

This analysis provides a critical review of the World Health Organization (WHO) online course 'Ethical and Governance of Artificial Intelligence for Health'. It provides a comprehensive exploration of the transformative potential of AI in health, with an emphasis on ethics and human rights. The course covers various aspects, including AI applications, ethical principles, resource allocation, bias, cybersecurity and environmental impact. It successfully combines theoretical concepts with practical applications, making it accessible to different audiences, including policymakers and healthcare professionals. The critical review highlights the course's strengths in raising awareness of critical issues but notes its limitations in providing concrete guidelines for ethical AI design and practical strategies for real-world implementation.

774 622
Published in Volume 11, Issue 1 -

Insights into Tomorrow: Psychology's Current Transformations

Cinthya Souza Simas

Languages: English

DOI: 10.17160/josha.11.1.955

In the dynamic world of psychology, evolution is constant. As we navigate the intricate corridors of the human mind, the landscape of psychological exploration is marked with emerging trends that define the field’s trajectory and shape both research and practice. This article aims to shed light on the leading developments in psychology and offer reading suggestions to encourage further exploration and understanding of these intriguing facets that captivate and redefine our understanding of the human psyche and psychology as a science as well.

642 641
Published in Volume 10, Issue 6 -

JOSHA’s Critical Review of "Death and the Meaning of Life in Logotherapy and in “The Death of Ivan Ilych”: Psychological Analysis of a Literary Work”

Cinthya Souza Simas

Languages: English

DOI: 10.17160/josha.10.6.954

This study explores the connection between psychology and literature by investigating how the themes of "death" and the "meaning of life" intertwine. It draws from Viktor Frankl's Logotherapy and Existential Analysis, examining their application in literature with insights from psychologists. Focusing on Leo Tolstoy's "The Death of Ivan Ilyich," the research applies Frankl's perspective, suggesting that facing death can catalyze a deeper comprehension of life's meaning and accelerate the realization of different value categories: creative, experiential, and attitudinal. The study specifically looks into the protagonist's adoption of attitudinal values in response to the unavoidable suffering he confronts.

659 766
Published in Volume 11, Issue 1 -

JOSHA’s Critical Review of "Implications of the Social Dichotomy between Thinking and Acting on Teenage Pregnancy Rates” by Rosiana Silva da Silva, Rosângela Araújo Darwich

Cinthya Souza Simas

Languages: English

DOI: 10.17160/josha.11.1.953

The research by Rosiana Silva da Silva and Rosângela Araújo Darwich is focused on the impact of conflicting societal values on young women who experienced teenage pregnancy in Brazil. Conducted amid the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic, it involved 15 participants spanning various age groups. Through online interviews and content analysis, the study revealed a consistent pattern of misinformation across different generations, underscoring the urgent need for new policies and platforms for open discussions to address adolescent vulnerability and enhance their overall experience during this critical phase of life.

673 801
Published in Volume 10, Issue 6 -

JOSHA’s Critical Review of "Exploring Letters in The Kid: Stimulating the Formation of Reading and Writing Skills” by Ana Clara Solon Rufino, Rosângela Araújo Darwich

Cinthya Souza Simas

Languages: English

DOI: 10.17160/josha.10.6.950

This field study aims to promote the formation of readers and writers through the epistolary textual genre, even in times of predominant technology. The guidelines are based on the theories of Soares (2009) and Bakhtin (2003), the writing hypotheses of Ferreiro and Teberosky (1999), and the importance of writing and reading in life, according to Morais (2003). Adopting the methodology of field study and qualitative approach, we examined how students of the 6th grade of a public school in Pará and in the age group of 11 to 13 years approached these areas of learning, using episodes of Turma do Chaves (The Kid) related to letters. We highlighted the need for an interdisciplinary approach, with trained teachers, to promote reading and writing in all subjects.

790 573
Published in Volume 10, Issue 6 -

Timothy McVeigh: Portrait of a Political Mass Murderer

Robert M. Kaplan

Languages: English

DOI: 10.17160/josha.10.6.944

The 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City demolished one-third of the building, killing 168 people, including 19 children, and injured 684 others – the worst act of domestic terrorism in American history. The bomb was placed by Timothy McVeigh who intended it to provoke a right-wing rising as a declaration of war against the Federal government. McVeigh, who made little effort to avoid detection, was found guilty and duly executed after a relatively short time of six years. McVeigh, coming from an unsettled but not traumatising upbringing, developed an early obsession with guns which progressed to the extreme right-wing survivalist movement. He had a good military career and was decorated in the first Gulf War but became disillusioned after failing to get into Special Forces.

746 500
Published in Volume 10, Issue 5 -

Editorial Volume 10, Issue 5

Stephan Seiler

Languages: English

DOI: 10.17160/josha.10.5.943

With this editorial, the Josha-Journal team and the International Academy of Sciences, Humanities and Arts (IASHA) would like to congratulate this year's winners of the Demetrios Prizes! We awarded these prizes to three outstanding Master's theses: "Modeling Spatial Scale and Heterogeneity in Rotterdam Housing Market Using Multiscale Geographically Weighted Regression" by Naftali Feddes, Erasmus School of Economics, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, "Transgenerational Intrafamily Violence: Case Study in a Specialized Center for Social Assistance in the Administrative District of Belém-PA" by Lia L. Botega, University of Amazon, Belém, Brazil and. "Inscribing Expositions: Curatorial Strategies in Packing Practice into the Journal for Artistic Research" by Chiara Giardi, Zurich University of the Arts, Zurich, Switzerland. Thank you to all the submissions and congratulations to this year's winners!

764 919
Published in Volume 10, Issue 5 -

More Troubled Democracies, More Determined Freedom Fighters: A Concerted Global Effort Toward Exposing Autocratic Regimes

Mike Omilusi

Languages: English

DOI: 10.17160/josha.10.5.940

There is currently a great deal of relative inequality and a lack of liberties for individuals residing in troubled democracies and authoritarian regimes. The entire democratic governance ecosystem is under pressure, including crucial components like civil society, independent media, and the rule of law. Given this dire situation, people in these countries often face oppressive and sometimes life-threatening circumstances. The deliberate use of antidemocratic tactics by a wide range of internal and external contexts and actors tends to be eroding democratic institutions in many countries and thereby enhancing the triumphalism of authoritarian regimes. However, there appears to be a correlative relationship between the increase in troubled democracies or authoritarian regimes across the globe and the growing number of determined freedom fighters, who strive to protect democracy and ensure that citizens’ right to freedom is respected.