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Published in Volume 11, Issue 2 -

Editorial Volume 11, Issue 2

Stephan Seiler

Languages: English

DOI: 10.17160/josha.11.2.976

Dear josha-journal readers, Welcome to our second issue 2024! The josha team has selected an interesting range of topics for all readers. One thing will increasingly accompany medicine and all of us in the coming years. Medicine without artificial intelligence will be unthinkable in the future. It is already expanding our horizons enormously and still holds a wealth of possibilities for the future. A team of AI and medicine experts in Freiburg is testing the many possibilities in oncology. However, despite the wide range of potential, ethical and regulatory considerations are taken into account when developing therapies. Medicine, psychology, education and artificial intelligence also play a key role in other articles in this issue. Papers come from Brazil, Nigeria and Germany. The josha team wishes all readers an exciting and scientifically enlightening read.

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Published in Volume 11, Issue 1 -

AI as an Always-available Oncologist: A Vision for AI-optimized Cancer Therapy Based on Real-time Adaptive Dosing at the Patient Level

Gabriel Kalweit, Luis García Valiña, Ignacio Mastroleo, Anusha Klett et al.

Languages: English

DOI: 10.17160/josha.11.1.975

This communication presents the long-term vision of AI-optimized cancer therapy based on automated adaptive dosing. The idea is to have an AI-controlled therapeutic system that administers microdoses from information obtained from low-power sensors, which could improve patient quality and survival. While this idea has not been implemented for cancer yet, there are similar health interventions in cancer (not using AI) and in diabetes (using AI) that serve as precedents. However, there are still major challenges to tackle, such as identifying relevant, measurable, and reasonably costly tumor markers and dealing with the enormous combinatorial potential for a rapid and effective response in individual cases. The paper proposes a dual process to address these challenges, involving collecting initial findings in vitro and investigating tumor markers for their transferability to in vivo systems.

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Published in Volume 11, Issue 3 -

Chapter Six - Major Problems of Colleges of Education in Nigeria and Possible Solutions

Usman Al-amin

Languages: English

DOI: 10.17160/josha.11.3.972

Chapter Six is full of numerous challenges that hinder the effectiveness of producing quality teachers in the colleges of education in Nigeria. The major challenges identified by Al-amin include inadequate funding, lack of qualified personnel, outdated curriculum, poor infrastructure, and inadequate facilities. He opined that these challenges have significant implications for the quality of teacher education in Nigeria and the nation's educational system as a whole.

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Published in Volume 11, Issue 3 -

Chapter Five - Administration of Colleges of Education in Nigeria: Problems and Solutions

Usman Al-amin

Languages: English

DOI: 10.17160/josha.11.3.971

In Chapter Five, Al-amin identifies the problems and solutions to the administration of colleges of education in Nigeria. According to Al-amin, some of these major challenges are inadequate funding, poor infrastructure, inadequate staff, and ineffective management. Therefore, he recommends the need for increased funding, improved infrastructure, recruitment of qualified staff, and effective management strategies as possible solutions to these challenges. He finally concludes that addressing these challenges would enhance the quality of education and training provided by colleges of education in Nigeria, leading to the development of a more skilled and productive workforce.

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Published in Volume 11, Issue 3 -

Chapter Four - Problems and Solutions of Muslim Girls’ Child Education in Nigeria

Usman Al-amin

Languages: English

DOI: 10.17160/josha.11.3.969

In Chapter Four, Al-amin identifies the challenges hindering the state of girls' education in Nigeria and proposes possible solutions to these problems. He concludes that the Nigerian government needs to implement policies that promote equal opportunities for girls' education, invest in infrastructure development, and prioritize education in the country's budget allocation. Non-governmental organizations should also partner with government agencies to provide scholarships and support services to girls from impoverished backgrounds. He finally suggests that cultural and traditional practices that discriminate against the girl-child need to be addressed through sensitization campaigns and community-based interventions.

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Published in Volume 11, Issue 2 -

Chapter Three - Makarantar Ilmi and its Curriculum in Northern Nigeria

Usman Al-amin

Languages: English

DOI: 10.17160/josha.11.2.968

Makarantar Ilimi and its curriculum occupy a special and important position in the transmission of knowledge in Northern Nigerian society, shedding light on its significance in fostering education, preserving traditional knowledge, and promoting social cohesion. In Chapter Three, Al-amin examines Makarantar Ilimi and its curriculum in the context of northern Nigeria. He argues that understanding its curriculum is essential for appreciating the rich tapestry of education in Nigeria, where traditional and formal systems often coexist and complement each other in shaping the nation's future generations.

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Published in Volume 11, Issue 2 -

JOSHA’s Critical Review of “Von der Guten Wissenschaft zum wissenschaftlichen Fehlverhalten” by Prof. Dr. Ulrich Rommelfanger

Gerhard G. Steinmann, Neher Aseem Parimoo

Languages: English

DOI: 10.17160/josha.11.2.967

Ulrich Rommelfanger’s paper addresses the complex issue of academic misconduct. With respect to claiming financial damage due to plagiarism, he overlooks the fact that, as a rule, the author of the original text had to assign his copyright to the academic publisher before publication. The reader wonders what is the point of all the fuss and the appeal to professors to take action against plagiarism if no copyright holder is demanding damages. From JOSHA's point of view, the fight against data fabrication, deliberate falsification and misinterpretation is much more important. This actually causes immense damage to patients, subsequent research, sponsors and society as a whole. Here, Rommelfanger remains brief and resigned to the lack of effective control by peer reviews.

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Published in Volume 11, Issue 1 -

Chapter Two - A Historical Overview of the Traditional System of Qur’anic Education in Borno

Usman Al-amin

Languages: English

DOI: 10.17160/josha.11.1.966

In Chapter Two, Al-amin attempts to combine both the anthropological and historical approaches to describe the processes of traditional Qur’anic education and scholarship in Borno, especially the recent trends. He examines the origin, types, methods, and stages of Qur’anic education. Therefore, he concludes that the status of Qur’anic education and scholarship in Borno is set for the heights regardless of the socio-cultural challenges and the misconceptions attributed to it.

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Published in Volume 11, Issue 1 -

Chapter One - The Social History of Education in Northern Nigeria

Usman Al-amin

Languages: English

DOI: 10.17160/josha.11.1.964

In Chapter One, Al-amin revisits the dynamics that shaped the evolution of education in Northern Nigeria from pre-colonial times to the present day, with a particular focus on the socio-economic, political, and cultural factors that influenced the nature of educational provision and access. He draws on a wide range of sources to illuminate the complex relationships between education, colonialism, and social change. He further shows how education was used as a tool for social control and how it became a site of resistance and contestation during periods of political upheaval.

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Published in Volume 11, Issue 2 -

JOSHA’s Critical Review of “The Role of the Media in the Construction of Body Image and its Contribution to the Development of Restrictive Anorexia in Female Adolescents” by Alaide V. C. Garcia, Maria E. R. V. Pinheiro

Cinthya Souza Simas

Languages: English

DOI: 10.17160/josha.11.2.963

The research, by Alaide Vitória Cardoso Garcia and Maria Eduarda Rangel Vilela Pinheiro, guided by Fernanda Lima Monteiro, explores how media, particularly social media, significantly influences female adolescent behavior regarding self-esteem and body image, correlating this influence with the rise of restrictive anorexia. The methodology involves an integrative bibliographic review using databases like Google Scholar, Scielo, and LILACS to establish a connection between social media use and anorexia development in female adolescents. The research emphasizes the historical imposition of beauty standards and the intensified impact of contemporary media on body image.