The Importance of Diversity in Knowledge Sharing: Why JOSHA is the Ideal Platform

Gerhard Steinmann, Neher Aseem Parimoo

Affiliation: International Academy of Sciences, Humanities, and Arts (IASHA e.V.), Freiburg, Germany

Keywords: Open- access, Interdisciplinarity, Diversity, Scientific Communication, Academic Publishing, Science, Humanities, Arts

Categories: News and Views

DOI: 10.17160/josha.10.4.904

Languages: English

The article discusses the importance of diversity in academic publishing and the role of JOSHA in promoting open access and interdisciplinary research. While traditional publishing often favours the 'consolidation' of work, JOSHA encourages authors to publish disruptive and innovative work that may challenge existing paradigms. With a focus on accessibility and freedom from restrictions, JOSHA aims to provide a platform for scientists, artists and scholars of all backgrounds to share their ideas and knowledge. By prioritising the needs of authors and readers, JOSHA hopes to revitalise academic publishing and promote the power of diversity in sharing knowledge.

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