Pucho vs. Vapo - Smoking vs. Vaping

Ezequiel Arrieta, Facundo Monaco

Affiliation: El Gato y la Caja, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Keywords: Vaping, smoking, health, tobacco, health

Categories: News and Views, Humanities, Social Sciences and Law

DOI: 10.17160/josha.8.2.743

Languages: Spanish, Castilian

Humans have been consuming tobacco for 4500 years. It started as a part of religious rituals but became popular when suggested to cure diseases and considered cool. Nowadays, it is associated with 15% of total deaths worldwide, and represent one of the main Public Health issues in the agenda. Most tobacco users need between eight to ten attempts to quit smoking. In this context, vaping emerges as a safer alternative to conventional smoking. However, vaping might not be completely safe. In this article, originally published in El Gato y La Caja, pros and cons of vaping versus smoking are presented. Ilustradora: Mariana Ruiz Johnson Fecha de publicación: 30/5/20 Link a la nota original: https://elgatoylacaja.com/pucho-vs-vapo/

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