Editorial Volume 11, Issue 1

Stephan Seiler

Affiliation: IASHA / JOSHA Journal, Freiburg, Germany

Keywords: Editorial, JOSHA Journal, 2024 Volume 11, Issue 1

Categories: News and Views

DOI: 10.17160/josha.11.1.958

Languages: English

The year 2023 is drawing to a close and, unfortunately, some of us will not remember it too positively. The global upheavals – climate damage, war, migration and more – are casting too much of a shadow over coexistence on the planet. We at Josha Journal and the International Academy of Sciences, Humanities and Arts do not want to join in. We want to continue to be open to the world, curious and collaborative. Not only, but especially in the scientific community, these are values which must be cultivated! The Josha Journal is designed to be international, and we have once again achieved this goal in the year that is drawing to a close. So perhaps the year didn't go so badly after all. We will continue to be open to new knowledge in the new year 2024. You, the Josha community, are welcome to share this with us and get involved! Contributions are always welcome. The teams at the Journal and the Academy, wish everyone a happy new year 2024.

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