Demetrios Award 2020

Gerhard G. Steinmann, Stephan Seiler, María Fernanda Sandoval, Roland Mertelsmann

Affiliation: Journal of Science, Humanities, and Arts, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany

Keywords: Demetrios Project, Award 2020, Demetrios, competition, Humanities, Sciences, Arts, Prize 2020

Categories: News and Views

DOI: 10.17160/josha.7.2.662

Languages: German, English, Spanish, Castilian

The JOSHA Team is very pleased to share information with you about our Demetrios Prize 2020. The International Academy of Sciences, Humanities, and Arts (IASHA e.V.), with the support of the BioThera-Roland Mertelsmann Foundation, will award three prizes of 500 euros for the categories BACHELOR, MASTER and DOCTOR THESIS. Our editors will make the selection and the theses of the winners will be published in JOSHA and can be referenced with their DOI number! The “Journal of Science, Humanities, and Arts – JOSHA” has been initiated to create a novel internet platform to access the broad diversity of important discoveries and creativity in the fields of Science, Humanities, and Arts. At JOSHA we believe, that "Knowledge that is not communicated is wasted knowledge".

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