Representaciones Sociales sobre Violencias en la Familia de Estudiantes Universitarios - Social representations on Violence in Families of University Students

Keywords: Violence, Social Representations, Family

Categories: Humanities, Social Sciences and Law

DOI: 10.17160/josha.8.4.777

Languages: Spanish, Castilian

The concept of violence is of great relevance to our society and is presented as a problem that affects young people in Colombia, encountering difficulties both for its identification and for the generation of care actions. It is not enough to establish that a person is violated, as there is the possibility of repeating the cycle of violence without generating the necessary changes to stop it in areas such as the family or in general in their environment and context. aim. Learn about the social representations of violence in the family of students at the Politécnico Grancolombiano. Method. The present work is based on mixed research methods, with a concurrent design of quantitative weight and a descriptive scope. Results. It is found that 31.1% of the population manifests different types of violence in the family, the main ones being physical, emotional, and psychological violence.

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