Professor Dr. Günter Hager in Memoriam

Boris Paal, Uwe Blaurock, Florian Asche

Affiliation: Faculty of Law, Albert-Ludwigs University of Freiburg

Keywords: Law, Guenter Hager, bioethics

Categories: Humanities, Social Sciences and Law

DOI: 10.17160/josha.4.1.273

Languages: German

In memoriam Günter Hager: Obituary speeches in German by his former colleagues and friends honouring Günter Hager's life, professional activities, and personality on February 28, 2017. [Article in German] Prof. Dr. Boris Paal, M.Jur. (Oxford) is Dean of the Faculty of Law of the Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg. He is Director of the Institute for Media and Information Law, Dept. I: Civil and Economic Law, Media and Information Law, at the Albert-Ludwigs University of Freiburg. Professor Dr. Uwe Blaurock has been a full professor at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg since 1995 , where he was Director of the Institute of Economic Law from 1995 to 2011. From 2002 to 2004 he was Dean of the Faculty of Law. In 2011 he became Professor emeritus. Since 1999 he has been a concurrent professor at Nanjing University, and since 2001 he has been President of the German-Chinese Law Association. Dr. iur. Florian Asche is a Lawyer and Partner at the legal offices of Asche, Stein, Glockemann, Verstl, Wiezoreck in Hamburg, Germany. Born in 1968 in Hamburg, he studied Law and History at the Universities of Göttingen, Würzburg and Jena. In 1996 he completed his Doctorate on “Product Placement in Cinema Films” with Professor Dr. Günter Hager in Jena.

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