Günter Hager 1943-2017

Roland Mertelsmann

Affiliation: Albert-Ludwigs Universität, Freiburg, Germany

Keywords: Law, Guenter Hager, bioethics

Categories: Humanities, Social Sciences and Law

DOI: 10.17160/josha.4.1.272

Languages: German, English

On 19 February 2017, Prof. Dr. Günter Hager, member of the JOSHA Editorial Board for the Section "Philosophy, Ethics and Law", died at the age of 73 years. He contributed decisively to the success of JOSHA in the conception of our journal, the content design, and development, as well as his own important contributions. Until his retirement in 2011, he was a professor of civil law with a focus on International Private Law. After his retirement, Günter Hager increasingly dealt with questions of ethics and the environment and nature conservation, publishing many of his great works in JOSHA. With him, we lost not only a great legal scholar and an important editor of JOSHA but also a wonderful friend who was broadly interested in literature and music and whose narratives were, as it were, creative, humorous, and linguistically refined. One of his favorite aphorisms from his inexhaustible fund of quotations was "What is to be dismissed this minute, no eternity will return." We miss our friend and colleague Günter Hager with his scientific brilliance, his joy of life, empathy, wisdom, and humor. [Article in English and German]

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