DEMETRIOS PRIZE 2019! El pathos trágico en el joven Nietzsche - The tragic pathos in the young Nietzsche. Art and Life according to The Birth of Tragedy

Joaquín Emanuel Campodónico Gómez

Affiliation: Facultad de Fiosofía y Letras, Departamento de Filosofía. Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Keywords: Demetrios Prize 2019, Winner, Nietzsche, Philosophy, Literature.

Categories: Demetrios Project, Humanities, Social Sciences and Law

DOI: 10.17160/josha.6.7.583

Languages: Spanish, Castilian

Campodonico as one of the Winners, From Argentina, present his work showing an interesting perspective of tragic. The author's research concludes based on the movement of a concept that is used for exegetical purposes in the interpretation of much of The Birth of Tragedy. As we have seen, it is coupled with enormous success in the argument of the book. Therefore, the importance of art for the young Nietzsche greatly transcends his relationship with Richard Wagner, as well as his appropriation and reinterpretation of many Schopenhaurian ideas and, moreover, the historical moment of Germany at the end of the 19th century. For Nietzsche, art is something so significant that it cannot be subject to the impression of a moment - even a stage in his life. We have argued that the complexity of the book on tragedy proves that it is the product of long years of meditation, analysis, discovery, and experience on the part of the professor in Basel.

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