RESEARCH CENTRES AND LABORATORIES - Architectural Design Principles

Bujar Q. Bajçinovci

Affiliation: University of Prishtina, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Kosovo.

Keywords: Research Centres, Design Principles, Textbook, Monograph, Language: Albanian

Categories: DEMETRIOS Textbooks

DOI: 10.17160/josha.4.5.355

Languages: Albanian

The monograph presents the standards, normative, and the technical details of the Research Centres and Laboratories - Architectural Design Principles accompanied with charts, photographs, drawings, sketches and design guidelines. The textbook is divided into four extensive chapters. The first chapter, present and elaborates the intro of architectural design challenges. The second chapter, present and elaborates the environment conditions in Kosovo, data are provided from the official government publications for the need of the students. The third chapter, the main chapter of this monograph, describes the concepts, guidelines and conceptual design principles for the Research Centres and Laboratories. The fourth chapter, elaborates the infrastructure of the HVAC in the architectural conceptual design guidelines for the Research Centres and Laboratories, to be considered in the designing of the engineering systems.

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