Fridays for Future: Environmental Sustainable Architecture Collection of Research Papers

Bujar Q. Bajçinovci

Affiliation: University of Prishtina, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Kosovo.

Keywords: Collection of Research Papers

Categories: News and Views, DEMETRIOS Textbooks, Visual Arts, Architecture and Design

DOI: 10.17160/josha.7.1.627

Languages: English

This Monograph is originally and especially dedicated to the students of The architecture of the University of Prishtina for Educational, and Not-for-profit purposes. The monograph incorporates research papers published at JOSHA, as a part of FridaysForFuture actions. Seeing the lack of literature in the field of Environmental Architecture, especially in the University of the Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”, I was inspired by the community of #FridaysForFuture research papers, hence, our small contribution with writing this monograph. The book is a free and not-for-profit purpose, it is indented as basic literature of courses which I taught at the University of Prishtina. In the monograph I have presented research models, design typology, drawings as the cases studies for future generations at the Department of Architecture. There are six papers assembled in one monography presenting the issues regarding the Climate, Environment, and Sustainable Architecture.

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