Frau Kakerlake und Herr Maus

Mitra Zarif-Kayvan

Affiliation: -

Keywords: kids, animals, colors, bilingual

Categories: DEMETRIOS Children’s Books

DOI: 10.17160/josha.5.1.378

Languages: German, Persian

"Khale Suske und Agha Mushe" (In Persian for Aunt cockroach and Mr. Maus) is the most famous and most popular child fairy tale in Iran which has been orally passed on from one generation to another. The fairy tale revolves around a cockroach, Khale Suske who is nice and eloquent and she proceeds completely alone on an adventurous, perilous trip to marry the rich businessman Mash Ramezun. At the end, she meets Agha Mushe with and her life takes an unexpected change. The central figures of this fable, the cockroach, and the mouse correspond to the characters from original story. The craftsmen appearing as animals are inventions of Mitra Zarif-Kayvan. Mitra Zarif-Kayvan was born in Teheran / Iran. At the age of 32 years, she emigrated with her two daughters to Germany and lives currently in Dusseldorf. She works as a freelance painter and art teacher in elementary schools and kindergartens. Besides she is also a storyteller and writes poems and stories. This is a preview of the full book, which can be ordered directly from the author or by completing the order form by pressing the "Order Book/Reprint" button.

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