Früher fand sie es todlangweilig - She used to find it deadly boring

Keywords: Art, Pandemic, Covid, Trade Fairs, Social Media

Categories: Visual Arts, Architecture and Design

DOI: 10.17160/josha.8.3.762

Languages: German

Due to the pandemic, many projects and trade fairs have been cancelled. The gallery was closed during the lockdown and has only opened again since the end of April. However, the gallery team saw the time as an opportunity to focus specifically on individual collectors. "Galleries rarely live from walk-in customers anyway," says Andreae. However, the demand during the time increased much more than expected: Many people were specifically looking for a change in the monotonous Corona everyday life. "One noticed very clearly that art was very important to the people, especially at this time." Many museums and galleries have therefore started to digitize their archives as an alternative and are now offering "live talks" on social networks such as Instagram.

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